New news from the Liaden Universe®

This post covers several topics, including

  1. Publication dates for upcoming Liaden Universe® novels
  2. Upcoming audio releases
  3. Lack of news re possible audio releases

Three Liaden Universe® titles to be released by Baen in 2023
Scout’s Progress will be reissued in a new mass market/ebook edition March 2023
Salvage Right* will be published in Summer 2023
Trade Lanes** will be published in Fall 2023

Liaden Universe® Constellations audiobook editions
Tantor Media will be releasing the first four Liaden Universe® Constellations, starting in June.  Go to this link, and click on the individual titles to preorder.

Trade Lanes Fair Trade audiobook edition
We are in contact with our publisher and hope to have news regarding the Trade Lanes Fair Trade audiobook edition soon...

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Liaden Universe® Updates

Presented in order of Temporal Proximity.

First!  We have a book coming out on May 3!  Fair Trade, the third account of the loves and adventures of Jethri Gobelyn ven’Deelin, Trader Extraordinaire, will be available in hardcover, and electronic from all of the usual vendors.  Right now, you may preorder the hardcover from those same usual suspects.

There are Notes, to wit!

Note A:  YES, you will be able to buy this novel electronically on the release date.  NO, you may not preorder it.  This is how our publisher does things, and is above our pay grade.

Note B:  If you want a signed copy of the hardcover Fair Trade, you can preorder one right here

Note B1:  Personalizations are not available this time...

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Deadlines for the next three Liaden books

Madame the Agent and Madame the Publisher have been very busy on our behalf.  We can now provide TURN-IN dates for the next three Liaden books (for those who collect such things, this is the so-called Triple Threat Contract).

SALVAGE RIGHT due to Baen June 2022

TRADE LANES due to Baen, September 2022

BOOK THREE (return to the Redlands) due to Baen, June 2023

Again — these are deadlines, not publication dates.

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Podcast up!

Griffin Barber talks to Sharon Lee and Steve Miller about Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume Five.
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Steve Miller’s Boskone Schedule

Boskone 59 starts today!

Steve Miller will be participating as a virtual panelist.  Here’s his schedule:

All times are Eastern Standard.

VIRTUAL: Unhappy Endings Format: Panel
18 Feb 2022, Friday 8pm – 8:50pm, Marina IV (Westin)
Jane Yolen, Steve Miller, Julie Czerneda, Paul Di Filippo (M), Ada Palmer

Tragic plays from Shakespeare, Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides are still with us … hundreds, even thousands of years later. Not all stories let the protagonist triumph — sometimes they lose; sometimes they even die losing. Some science fiction and fantasy writers’ unhappily ending stories are quite popular. Why do they succeed? Why do other such stories fail — even fail so hard their authors never try to write unhappily ever after?

VIRTUAL: My Favorite Character
18 Feb 2022, Fr...

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Addendum to InfoDump 129

This is in answer to the numerous pleas across several venues for more information on SALVAGE RIGHT, its setting and cast.
SALVAGE RIGHT is set on Tinsori Light. The cast of characters includes, but is not limited to!
Jen Sin yos’Phelium
Seignur Veeoni
Tocohl Lorlin
Tolly Jones
Hazenthull nor’Phelium
Theo Waitley
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Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 129, the Long Edition

Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 129
News from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller’s Liaden Universe® and Beyond!

It’s been a while since the last InfoDump. We hope everyone is safe, well, and happy.

In This Issue:
Fair Trade News
Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 5
The Series Hugo and the Liaden Universe®
Who’s Writing What for When?
Steve’s Boskone 59 Schedule
Watch the skies and then watch us!
Where in the World are Lee and Miller?
The Small Print

FAIR TRADE is the 24th novel set in the Liaden Universe® created and written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. It is, in addition, the third book in the so-called “Jethri arc.” Previous volumes were: BALANCE OF TRADE and TRADE SECRET.

For those who indulge the eARC is available from Baen Books ONLY. Here’s the link.

For those who ...

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Correction to Series Hugo and the Liaden Universe®

CORRECTION to this post.

Members of DisCon III, the previous WorldCon, may also nominate.  They may not vote unless they are members of ChiCon8.

I have amended the original post.

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The Series Hugo and the Liaden Universe®

Because there have been Questions, mostly around the fact that there was no Liaden Universe® novel published in 2021 (ref “fuck cancer”), and therefore how can the series possibly be eligible for the Series Hugo?

We checked with Appropriate Authority, so’s to be sure we weren’t Telling you Wrong, and here’s how it works:

First, you must have been a member of ChiCon8, the 80th World Science Fiction Convention, on or before January 31, 2022 in order to nominate works for the Hugo Ballot.   OR You must have been a member of DisCon III, the 79th WorldCon.

Second, if you meet the above stipulation, you have until March 15 to nominate.  Only members of ChiCon8 may vote on the final ballot.

Third, Specific to the Series Hugo:  The Liaden Universe® is already established as eligible for this a...

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SPOILER DISCUSSION! Fair Trade by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller

If you have read the eARC of Fair Trade, the 24th novel set in the Liaden Universe® created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, and you Want to Talk About It, please do so by commenting below this entry.  Please be aware that comments are moderated, so there will be a time-lag — how long depends on when you post and what else the moderator is doing — between the time you post and the time your comment appears.

Not everyone buys eARCS, and the book isn’t due out until May.  We don’t want to spoil the pleasure of anyone who is waiting for the Official Release.

If you are waiting for the Office Release of Fair Trade and do not want the story spoiled, please, please for the Love of Ghu, do not read the comments.  Management is not responsible if you spoil the story by reading the comments.


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