Category Eye Candy

Art and Cover: Necessity’s Child

This — well.  These just in, for your viewing pleasure:

First, the final cover art for Necessity’s Child, from David B. Mattingly:

Final Art Necessity’s Child Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Art by David B. Mattingly

And! the final cover for Necessity’s Child, from Baen Books:

Final cover Necessity’s Child
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Art by David B. Mattingly

It is traditional at times like these to try to find the cat in the image.

Now! Mr. Mattingly has a pleasant practice of making a limited number of posters of our cover art available to those interested.  To call these “posters” is to do them a disservice; they are beautiful giclee prints worthy of framing.  I say this with confidence, as we have four of them (the art for Saltation, Ghost Ship, Dragon Ship, and Mouse and Dragon) framed and ...

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Mock Up for Liaden Universe® Constellation Number One

Scheduled for release in trade paper from Baen Books on July 2, 2013.  Cover art by Stephen Hickman.

art by Stephen Hickman

Please note that, despite what it says on the above mocked up cover, this publication is NOT a novel; it IS a collection of short stories.

In fact, it is the first of two collections.  This volume contains the seventeen stories that first appeared in SRM Publisher’s Adventures in the Liaden Universe® chapbooks 1-8 and “Sweet Waters,” which appeared in 3SF, and in the SRM chapbook Calamity’s Child — that’s about 152,000 words of story.

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Authors’ copies arrive!

A Liaden Universe(R) Constellation, Volume Two. On sale January 4, 2014.  Art by Stephen Hickman

A Liaden Universe(R) Constellation, Volume Two. On sale January 4, 2014.
Art by Stephen Hickman

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New cover reveal

Below is the cover art for A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume Three, coming from Baen in August 2015:

Cover A Liaden Universe(R) Constellation Volume 3 --Art by Steve Hickman

Cover A Liaden Universe(R) Constellation Volume 3
–Art by Steve Hickman

For those who are curious, here’s the table of contents

Authors’ Foreword
Code of Honor
Guaranteed Delivery
Intelligent Design
Out of True
Roving Gambler
King of the Cats
Kin Ties
The Rifle’s First Wife
The Space at Tinsori Light
Landed Alien
Moon’s Honor
Quick Working Glossary

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Eye candy

This just in, courtesy of Baen Publisher Toni Weisskopf:

--art by David Mattingly

–art by David Mattingly

This is the eighteenth novel detailing the adventures of Clan Korval and other residents of the Liaden Universe®.

The hardcover will be in bookstores in June 2015.  For those who treasure a passion for eArcs, count backward four months from June for your probable release date.  No word yet on whether there will be an audiobook edition.


More news as it becomes available.

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Sneak Peek Eye Candy: Alliance of Equals

Here we have something rare and precious — a sneak peek of the comp of the cover for Alliance of Equals.  Which is to say a suggested layout.  Sort of like the cover version of a first draft.

We are cautioned that the final cover may change, but this is where the Art Department at Baen is currently tending.

Art by David Mattingly, and yes, this does illustrate an Actual Scene from the book.

Art by David Mattingly

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This Just In: Eye Candy

David Mattingly has kindly sent us the finished art for the cover of The Gathering Edge, coming to a bookstore near you in May 2017.

Yes, this does depict a scene from the novel.

Art for The Gathering Edge cover by David Mattingly

Art for The Gathering Edge cover by David Mattingly

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Cover art for Neogenesis

Neogenesis cover art by David B. Mattingly

Neogenesis, the twenty-first novel in the Liaden Universe®, created Some Time Back by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, will be published in January 2018.

Here’s the blurb:

Menace from Back Space Looming out of the Dust of Time

The Complex Logic Laws were the result of a war waged hundreds of years in the past, when two human powers threw massive AI navies at each other and nearly annihilated themselves.  Being human, they blamed their tools for this near miss; destroyed what was left of the sentient ships, and made it illegal to be, manufacture, or shelter an independent logic.

Strangely, however, the Free Ships and other AIs did not turn themselves in or suicide, they merely became wary of humans, and stayed under their scans...

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Eye Candy

This is the cover art for the Thirtieth Anniversary Edition* of Agent of Change, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.  Art by Sam Kennedy.

Preorder links:  |Barnes and Noble| |Amazon||BAM|

*This is a mass market paperback.  The publisher has no plans at this time to publish a hardcover.

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Watch the Skies!

Due Diligence: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 24 has been published to the Usual Suspects (including but not limited to: Baen ebooks, Kobo, BN, Apple, Amazon) and will be available for sale as the Various Ghods of Indie Publishing will.

Novella “Due Diligence” is Lee & Miller’s 81st fiction collaboration.

Here’s the teaser:

When Clan Korval knows your name. . .

Abandoned on a strange port by a scam gone bad, his license to pilot rescinded, and his pockets very much to let, Fer Gun pen’Uldra was teetering between trouble, more trouble, and bad trouble. Cornered in a cheap bar by a too-knowledgeable stranger with an unlikely offer, Fer Gun realized having no money and no license might be the least of his troubles. Clan Korval knew his name and that proposal was hard to refuse. ...

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