Category Talking Books

Getcher free sample of Trade Secret here

Still on the fence about acquiring the audio edition of Trade Secret?  Maybe this free sample will help you decide:

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Contest Over!

Thanks to everyone who told the story of their First Contact with the Liaden Universe®. The topic is still open to those who want to tell their stories, but the contest is now closed.

The recipients of the five free Trade Secret audiobooks graciously supplied by Audible, will be chosen from among those who commented before the midnight, Friday, December 6, deadline.

Watch this blog to find out if you’re one of the lucky winners, and for instructions on how to claim your prize.

Steve and Sharon


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News: Change State and Trader’s Leap audiobook

Change State:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 32, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, including reprint short story “Command Decision,” and brand-new novella “Dead Men Dream” is now available for download from all the usual vendors.

Here’s a link to Change State on Baen

Here’s the link to the Amazon page, including both ebook and paper editions.

Here’s a so-called “Universal Link.

Once you have read Change State, Steve and I would take it kindly if you would review it in the venue(s) of your choice.  Thank you.

In audiobook news, Steve and I have an appointment with Trade Secret’s narrator, Eileen Stevens, this Sunday evening.  So, yes, there will be an audiobook, and forward motion is, er, motioning.

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Fair Trade, the 24th Liaden Universe® novel

Crossposted from

Fair Trade, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the 24th novel set in the Liaden Universe®, a space opera geography of their own devising will be published on May 3.

What, you may ask, does this mean?

I will tell you.

It means that on May 3, the book will be simultaneously published as a hardcover and an ebook, and you — yes, you! — will able to buy it at the vendor of your choice.

Before May 3, you may:

1   Preorder the hardcover from the bookseller of your choice

1a  If you want a SIGNED copy of the hardcover, you may preorder it from Uncle Hugo’s onlyHere’s your link.

2   You may preorder the ebook edition of Fair Trade from Amazon, BN, and other ebook vendors.

None of the above precludes any of the others...

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Fair Trade Audiobook News!

In keeping with our promise to let y’all know when there was motion on the audiobook edition of Fair Trade, we am happy to announce that!

Audible has assigned a reader.  We will be talking with her at the end of next week.


— Sharon and Steve

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Scout’s Progress Book Day!

Yes, you read that right, today is Book Day for the anniversary re-issue of Scout’s Progress! featuring a stunning new cover by Sam Kennedy.

In celebration, we present to you the Authors’ Foreword from the new edition.

Scout’s Progress
Authors’ Foreword

You are holding the more-or-less twentieth anniversary edition of Scout’s Progress, which is something of a shock all by itself.

Scout’s Progress was written in 1993, part of an intended two-book set, featuring two brothers-of-the-heart – Er Thom yos’Galan, whose story was told in Local Custom – and Daav yos’Phelium, whose story is told in this book.

We never expected either book to be published.

Nineteen-ninety-three was . . . an odd time in our lives. We were not at that point working writers, by which we mean that we weren’t selling...

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Salvage Right now available from Audible

For those who have been waiting (and waiting and waiting) for the audio edition of Salvage Right (by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller — I’m told we don’t say this enough) — your patience has been rewarded.

Salvage Right, the audiobook is now on sale.

Here’s your link.

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Are you prepared for Ribbon Dance?

Tomorrow, June 4, Ribbon Dance, the 26th novel set in the Liaden Universe® created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, officially drops in hardcover and in ebook*.

For your optimum reading experience, you’ll want to lay in plenty of cake, not to mention pretty little cookies with pastel icing, tea, wine, nuts, and maybe a nice tray of cheese and crackers.

After all, nobody wants an incident.

*As previously reported, Audible has passed on the opportunity to produce a audio edition of Ribbon Dance. Those rights are being shopped elsewhere and as soon as I know more than that, be sure that I’ll share it.


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