New Story at Splinter Universe

“Core Values,” regarding the case of Geritsi slentAlin, who appears in Liaden Universe® novels, Trader’s Leap, Ribbon Dance, and Diviner’s Bow, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is now on Splinter Universe, where those who have an interest may read it.

Those who have an interest may also donate, to the story, to the site, to the Coon Cat Food Bank, or to the author.  A donation is not required to read the story.

Core Values Introduction

Core Values


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SPOILER SPACE: Diviner’s Bow Discussion

As has been the custom many years standing, herewith is a place where you — and you, and yes, you, too — may enjoy Unfettered Discussion of Diviner’s Bow while simultaneously not spoiling the story for those readers who have chosen to wait for the publication of the ebook, hardcover, or audiobook.

NOTE:  If you are a reader who has chosen to wait for the publication of the ebook, hardcover, or audiobook edition, and you do not want the story spoiled for you —


. . . and for the Love of Ghu, whatever you do — Do Not Read the Comments!










The writer asks a question of the group mind:  In your opinion, did the characters “eat too much”?  Thank you for your forbearance.

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Diviner’s Bow eARC now available from Baen

Here’s the link

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27th Liaden Universe® novel submitted

For those who pay attention to such things, Diviner’s Bow has been turned in to Baen, slightly ahead of the (renegotiated) deadline.

Diviner’s Bow
A Novel of the Liaden Universe®
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
October 27, 2024
Approximately 130,600 words/131,700 with glossaryArt by David Mattingly

Publication date, hardcover and ebook:  April 1, 2025

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Ur Sid arrives at Cushing Memorial Library & Archives

Frequent auditors of this blog will recall that Liaden Universe® Ambassador Plenipotentiary Ur Sid had recently accepted a new role as guardian of the Sharon Lee and Steve Miller Collection at the Cushing Memorial Library & Archives at Texas A&M University.

Since the Bumpy Passage fell out of use many years ago, I created a travel pod so that Ur Sid could make his journey in the style to which he had become accustomed, and packed him carefully in a box.  He accompanied nine other boxes containing the Full Run of Lee-and-Miller, Lee, and Miller published works.

Well, today Ur Sid arrived at his new post.  Jeremy Brett, Curator of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Collection has kindly sent along photographs of this momentous arrival, which are posted below.

Right now, Ur Sid is sh...

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Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 136

1 Ur Sid to join Lee and Miller Archive at Texas A&M
2 Plan B anniversary edition
3 Last Train Outta Kepler-283c
4 Sea Wrack and Changewinds
5 Ribbon Dance Audiobook
6 Diviner’s Bow
7 The Small Print: Sites of Interest, Blogs & Other Webly Things of Note, Facebook Connections, Xitter, Bluesky

Longtime FoL will recall Ur Sid, an eight-inch tall Teddy bear, dressed in a Scout uniform. Ur Sid attended the conventions that Steve and Sharon couldn’t make, hobnobbing with the Famous, and, like every good fan, collecting buttons and memorabilia.

The authors would occasionally meet Ur Sid at worldcons, and were always happy to see him...

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Sharon Lee Announces: Ur Sid Appointed Liaden Universe® Ambassador to Texas

First, a history lesson.

In 1999, Meisha Merlin published Plan B, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, effectively bringing the authors and their Liaden Universe® back from the dead.

This is not a thing that happens often, and Steve immediately recognized it as an opportunity Not To Be Wasted.  We had already been keeping in touch with our readers through Liaden Universe® listserves — the Friends of Liad were born there.  Steve had started SRM Publisher, providing chapbooks of Liaden stories to an unsuspecting world.  And Meisha Merlin provided the opportunity for us to attend science fiction conventions.

We attended a lot of science fiction conventions, a good number of them as Writer Guests of Honor...

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Sharon Lee’s Albacon 2024 Schedule

Albacon 2024 is being held at the Marriott Courtyard, Clifton Park, NY, September 13, 14, 15.  GOHs are Elizabeth Bear, Scott Lynch, Geri Sullivan, Cory Doctorow.

NOTE: Sharon will be attending remotely. She will NOT be physically at the con.

Sharon Lee Reading Readings (room 101) Sat 4:00 PM Duration: 00:45
Description Sharon Lee Reading from Ribbon Dance

Plotter or Pantser Meeting A Sat 5:30 PM Duration: 01:15
Description They say there are two ways to write: plotting everything out carefully, and just writing and seeing what happens to your story as you go along. Is writing really this binary? Is there a way between? What is the advantages — and disadvantages — of each method? Which are you and why?
Vikki Ciaffone (mod), Daniel M...

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BSFS Renames Poetry Contest for Steve Miller

Before Steve was a globally acclaimed science fiction writer, he traveled in poetry, which was a thing you could actually do, back in the last century. To the best of my knowledge, he never stopped writing poetry, though he did stop trying to publish, and many people just don’t know about this side of him.
Which is why it’s especially pleasing that the Baltimore Science Fiction Society (Steve’s first and lasting home in science fiction fandom) has chosen to name its poetry award after him: Steve Miller BSFS Annual Poetry Contest.
Read all about it at File 770
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Last Train Outta Kepler-283c coming soon!

So, I just finished reviewing the page proofs for “The Last Train to Clarkesville,” a Liaden Universe® Western that will be appearing in this anthology of all-new stories, edited by David Boop, coming from Baen on November 5.

Man we did a good job on that story!

Here’s a teaser:

He was big, and strong, and peaceable.  Nobody was expecting a fight.

Nobody expected him to knock down one deputy, much less two, or take off running, and if they’d ever even thought about his pony, they sure hadn’t expected the bolt of hoofed lightning that answered his whistle, nor the ease with which a big man could swing into the saddle from a dead run.

Meld and Questa were gone before the second deputy lumbered to his feet.

Out of town.

And on the wrong side of the law.

Here’s the full Table of Contents:


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