The 2013 Lee and Miller Book Tour Schedule

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be embarking on a book tour in support of the seventeenth novel set in their star-spanning Liaden Universe®, Trade Secret.

The full tour schedule is below.  Please feel free to distribute it wherever it may be of interest.

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The Official Lee and Miller Book Tour Schedule

Thursday, October 31, 7-9 pm
Pandemonium Books and Games, 4 Pleasant Street, Cambridge MA

 Friday, November 1, 7-9 pm
The Toadstool Bookstore, 586 Nashua Street (Lorden Plaza), Milford NH

Saturday, November 2, 2-4 pm
Barnes and Noble, 98 Middlesex Turnpike, Burlington MA

Sunday, November 3, 1-4 pm
Annie’s Bookstop of Worcester, 65 James Street, Worcester MA

Monday, November 4, 7-9 pm
Barnes and Noble, 7 Holyoke Street, Holyoke MA

Tuesday, November 5, 7-9 pm
Flights of Fantasy, 381 Sa...

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Coming from Lee and Miller in August…

Coming in August:

Dragonwriter (collected essays celebrating the life and writing of Anne McCaffrey) due August 6, 2013 from Smart Pop.

Edited by Todd McCaffrey, this collection features of the field’s big names reflecting on Anne McCaffrey as they knew her. Included is an essay by Sharon and Steve on one of the favorite Liaden fans…

Also coming in August …

The paperback edition of Dragon Ship (mass market) coming August 27, 2013 from Baen …

First Class Pilot Theo Waitley is determined to live down her reputation as a “nexus of violence.” Unfortunately, the universe isn’t cooperating. She has accepted the precarious captaincy of a mysterious — and illegal — self-aware ship aching to find a crew and a purpose...

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Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume 1, out now

Although the Kindle and other electronic versions were released a little early our Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 1 came out from Baen Books in paper July 2, both through online venues and in stores. Early on it briefly hit the Amazon top 10 of SF anthologies and short stories and has been sighted in stores from coast to coast.

Here’s your chance to catch up on the stories and adventures you might have missed during the universe’s early years where some of the short stories were first published in hard-to-find genre publications. make sure you have this, and let your friends know about it too!

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Free ebooks — Agent of Change and Fledging

We’ve been remiss in reporting here the news that both Agent of Change and Fledgling are now available as free downloads from most major sources including Baen Books and Amazon. We’d been thinking about this for some time since so many of our readers and fans have reported that their introduction was a loaned or free copy of a Liaden book. Now you can have copies of these two Liaden Universe® novels for your own ebook or point your ebook-reading friends toward them – for free!

At Baen, find Agent of Change here in the ebook section: and you can find Fledgling here for the free book:

At’s Kindle Store, see Agent of Change at:

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Necessity’s Child Release Day!

Today! is the Official Release Day* for Necessity’s Child by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.

Final cover Necessity’s Child
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Art by David B. Mattingly

If you’re new to the Liaden Universe® — or if you’re an old-timer who’s on the fence about buying a “side book” — you may, if you like, read the first nine chapters, free, right here at the Baen webiste.

Necessity’s Child hardcover is available from your favorite bookstore, and also from these fine vendors:

Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore
And! in audiobook format from


*Yes, yes; I know some of you read it months ago.  You may dance, too!  No, really; I insist.

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Exciting Times for the Liaden Universe®

The Liaden Universe® didn’t start out as a Universe; it started out as one book. That book, a quirky little space opera called Agent of Change, was published by Del Rey as a paperback original, in February, 1988.

That would be, let’s see…

Twenty-five years ago, this February.

Holy bananas.

You’d think that having a Silver Anniversary to celebrate in 2013 would be excitement enough for any pair of authors — but you’d be wrong.

Not only is February 2013 the Silver Anniversary of the Liaden Universe®, the sixteenth novel in the Universe, Necessity’s Child will be released on February 5, in hardcover, signed hardcover, ebook, and audiobook!

Also?  Every single Liaden Universe® novel ever written is — at this very instant! — in print, as omnibus, hardcover, trade paper, mass market, ebook, an...

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Mock Up for Liaden Universe® Constellation Number One

Scheduled for release in trade paper from Baen Books on July 2, 2013.  Cover art by Stephen Hickman.

art by Stephen Hickman

Please note that, despite what it says on the above mocked up cover, this publication is NOT a novel; it IS a collection of short stories.

In fact, it is the first of two collections.  This volume contains the seventeen stories that first appeared in SRM Publisher’s Adventures in the Liaden Universe® chapbooks 1-8 and “Sweet Waters,” which appeared in 3SF, and in the SRM chapbook Calamity’s Child — that’s about 152,000 words of story.

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A preview of Necessity’s Child

Necessity’s Child

A Liaden Universe® Adventure

©2012 by

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

Chapter One

Inside the duct, it was hot and wet — nothing new there, thought Kezzi, shifting her weight carefully. The metal snapped in complaint, and she made herself be still.

The space felt smaller than it had last time. Pulka would scoff if she said so, and ask if her shoulders yet touched the walls. They didn’t, but she had several times bumped her head as she’d crawled to the leaking seam, and scraped her elbows against the metal while she was applying the sealant.

Pulka said it was only her weak heart that made her clumsy. He would tousle her hair as if she were Very Small, and tell her to ask the luthia for a prayer and a potion.

After the last repair, when Pulka had laughed at her, Kezzi ha...

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Art and Cover: Necessity’s Child

This — well.  These just in, for your viewing pleasure:

First, the final cover art for Necessity’s Child, from David B. Mattingly:

Final Art Necessity’s Child Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Art by David B. Mattingly

And! the final cover for Necessity’s Child, from Baen Books:

Final cover Necessity’s Child
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Art by David B. Mattingly

It is traditional at times like these to try to find the cat in the image.

Now! Mr. Mattingly has a pleasant practice of making a limited number of posters of our cover art available to those interested.  To call these “posters” is to do them a disservice; they are beautiful giclee prints worthy of framing.  I say this with confidence, as we have four of them (the art for Saltation, Ghost Ship, Dragon Ship, and Mouse and Dragon) framed and ...

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Dragon Ship is out in hardcover, ebook, and audio book ….

From Steve:

This is the kind of day young writers sending out their first story dream of — the day down the road when the world takes notice, when there’s a whole lot going, when in addition to a few awards sprinkled among the time, there are books, books for people to read, books people can suggest to their friends, lots of books. And so I’m pleased and I admit it. As usual there’s a glitch or two — the master link to see our books in one spot as The Liaden Universe at Audible hasn’t been switched on yet — but hey, that’s minor.

Here’s a listing of the The Liaden Universe® series as being issued by Audible:

The Books of Before Sequence:  Crystal Soldier, Crystal Dragon, Balance of Trade

The Space Regencies Sequence:  Local Custom, Scout’s Progress,
Mouse and Dragon

The Agent of Change ...

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