Lee and Miller’s MidSouthCon Schedule

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller are Writer Guests of Honor at MidSouthCon, March 9-11

Here’s our schedule:

Friday 6:00 PM Pro Row
Pro Row
Meet your favorite MidSouthCon professional, maybe get their autograph or buy their works. Pro Row is located in the hallway outside of the Tennessee Ballrooms.

Friday 7:00 PM Grand Ballroom
Opening Ceremony
MidSouthCon 36 officially kicks off as we greet our Guests of Honor, and say hello to our members.
Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, Peri Charlifu, Alan Alexander, Mike Carlin, Keri Bean, Ellen Datlow, Bonnie Gordon, Xander Jeanneret, Mike Resnick

Friday 9:00 PM Grand Ballroom
Meet the Guests II
Come meet and greet MidSouthCon 36’s Guests of Honor while enjoying some light refreshments.
Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, Alan Alexander, Bonnie Gordon, Xander Jeanneret,...

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Neogenesis and Degrees of Separation out, MidSouthCon coming up

January has been a busy month for Friends of Liad, with Neogenesis debuting strongly in hardback (also available as an audiobook and in a kindle edition)  — including reaching the Bookscan bestseller lists — after the January 2 release from Baen and then the new Lee and Miller novella Degrees of Separation, out from Pinbeam, spending several days at #2 on Amazon’s rankings —

#2 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > Two hours or more (65-100 pages) > Science Fiction & Fantasy

The authors are currently hard at work on the still unnamed next Liaden hardcover, due to be turned in this spring after their visit to Memphis as Guests of Honor at MidSouthCon March 9-11 . 

Later this year plans are for Lee & Miller to travel to WorldCon — that’s WorldCon 76, in San Jose, CA, August 16-20th.

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Block Party and Book Signing

“Block Party,” a new Liaden Universe® novelette, has been published to Baen.com.  You can read it here.

Also! Lee and Miller will be signing Neogenesis, and talking trash at the Children’s Book Cellar, 52 Main Street, Waterville, Maine, on Saturday, January 13, from 1-3:30 pm.  Hope to see you there!

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Neogenesis, signed or personalized, order by December 10

Don Blyly at Uncle Hugos in Minneapolis has ordered in lots of cartons of Neogenesis, the next Liaden novel. which is due out January 2, 2018. In order to get a personalized copy you’ll need to order from Don soon, with December 10 being the deadline.
Use this link to Uncle Hugos to go directly to the proper page: https://www.unclehugo.com/prod/ah-lee-miller.php
Thanks, we’re warming up the signing pens now!
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Spoiler Thread for Neogenesis

Neogenesis, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the 21st novel in the Liaden Universe®, is available as an eArc, that is an electronic advanced reading copy at Baen.  eArc are basically the page proofs of the novel — they typically do have errors, and — this time, at least — y’all can have the extra fun of reading Neogenesis while Steve and I are proofing that same file to get it read for setting as a final book.

A spoiler thread has been created for those who have read the eArc and wish to discuss it with like-minded, and like-read people.

CLICK HERE to access the Spoiler Discussion for Neogenesis.

Please remember that not everyone downloads the eArc; many people wait for the publication of the hardcover — in the case of Neogenesis, that is January 2018 — and many other people wa...

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NEOGENESIS eARC available for download

For them what indulges, the eARC of Neogenesis, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller — the 21st Liaden Universe®! — is now available for download (and reading, natch).

Get yours here!

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Lee and Miller win Readers Choice Award

“Wise Child,” by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller was chosen from among fifteen stories collected in third annual Year’s Best Military and Adventure SF, edited by David Afsharirad, published by Baen Books.

The winner was announced at the Baen Traveling Roadshow at DragonCon, with Baen Executive Editor Jim Minz accepting for Lee and Miller.

The prize is a plaque and $500 cash.

Below is the text of Lee and Miller’s acceptance speech.


Yes, you heard us.


We probably ought to be a little more formal than that, so let’s try this:

To DragonCon attendees, science fiction fans, and readers everywhere: Hello! from the wilds of Central Maine.

We’re pleased to be here, at least metaphorically, at this particular Baen Traveling Roadshow, to stand as the proud parents of “Wise Child,” which rea...

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Watch the Skies!

Due Diligence: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 24 has been published to the Usual Suspects (including but not limited to: Baen ebooks, Kobo, BN, Apple, Amazon) and will be available for sale as the Various Ghods of Indie Publishing will.

Novella “Due Diligence” is Lee & Miller’s 81st fiction collaboration.

Here’s the teaser:

When Clan Korval knows your name. . .

Abandoned on a strange port by a scam gone bad, his license to pilot rescinded, and his pockets very much to let, Fer Gun pen’Uldra was teetering between trouble, more trouble, and bad trouble. Cornered in a cheap bar by a too-knowledgeable stranger with an unlikely offer, Fer Gun realized having no money and no license might be the least of his troubles. Clan Korval knew his name and that proposal was hard to refuse. ...

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Lee and Miller’s Confluence Schedules Revealed!

AsyouknowBob, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be Writer Guests of Honor at Confluence, in Pittsburgh, August 4, 5, 6.

Here’s your link to Steve’s schedule.

Here’s your link to Sharon’s schedule.

Here’s your link to the Master Schedule.

Here’s your link to the con’s front page.

You will notice that there is a Friends of Liad breakfast scheduled for Sunday at 8:30 am in the hotel restaurant.  Despite being scheduled, this is not a convention-funded event.  It is what we called in my youth Dutch Treat, with every attendee (including Steve and me) ordering, and paying for, their own breakfast and tip.  Steve and I try to host a FoL breakfast at every con we go to, whether we GoHs, panelists, or convention members.  The Friends of Liad breakfast is. . .Well, it’s most like an extended fami...

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First Chapter Friday: Carpe Diem

After a book or two Sharon and I were surprised that we we’re getting noticed even if our books were coming out as original paperbacks rather than starting in the hardcover lists as we do now.It was fun, if not enriching, to see things like this in print:

“Val Con and Miri are the most romantic couple in SF!”
Susan Krinard, author of Touch of the Wolf

“You may never care about a cast of characters more or await their return with more anticipation.”
SF Site

“Full of action, exotic characters, plenty of plot, and even a touch of romance. OUTSTANDING.”

As much fun as it was to see nice things written about our books, it was even more fun to write them. There’s a lot of playfulness in Carpe Diem, some in the repartee, some in the naming of places,  some in the challenging of ...

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