All the news that’s fit to print

1   The eARC of Liaden Universe® Volume Five is now available for purchase at  Here’s your link.

1a  LUC 5 includes these stories: Fortune’s Favors, Opportunity to Seize, Shout of Honor, Command Decision, Dark Secrets, A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom, The Gate that Locks the Tree, Preferred Seating, Ambient Conditions, Dead Men Dream, and an authors’ foreword.

1b  LUC5 will be published on February 1, 2022 in trade and ebook.

1c  You may preorder the trade edition from your favorite vendor*.

2   Fair Trade, the 24th novel in the Liaden Universe®, the third book detailing the adventures of Jethri Gobelyn ven’Deelin, is now available for preorder in hardcover* from the Usual Suspects.  It will be published on May 3, 2022.**

2a  The previous books in the Jethri arc are:  ...

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Liaden Universe® Constellation Number Five

To all the ships in orbit!
The eARC of Liaden Universe® Constellation Number FIVE is now available from Baen. Here’s your link
Steve is going over the galleys of this same volume as I type. If you are of a mind to set up as a Mighty Tyop Hunter, using the eARC as your text, you have a Very Narrow Participation Window.
Tyop Reports must be with Steve no later than noon Eastern USian Time Saturday, October 30 — that’s Next Saturday!
Please send a search string, not a page number, because you are working from an eARC and Steve is working from a PDF.
Tyop Reports sent to! srmATkorvalDOTcom
Tyop Hunters are acknowledged in the book, so be sure to send your name as you would like it to appear in print along with your Tyop Report!
Thanking you i...
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Fair Trade available for pre-order

Fair Trade is the 24th novel in the Liaden Universe® created and written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.  This title is the direct sequel to 2013’s Trade Secret and the third book detailing the adventures of Jethri Gobelyn, a Terran who has been apprenticed to a Liaden Master Trader.
Cover art is by David Mattingly.
Fair Trade hardcover is available for preorder from Amazon, and I suppose other places that do preorders. Publication date is May 3, 2022. Amazon link:
1.  There will be an ebook edition; the reason you can’t preorder the ebook has to do with Baen’s tradition of offering eARCS.
2. No word on when the eARC will be available — usually it’s been hitting 6-8 weeks out.
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Trader’s Leap Mass Market

Those who Wait for the Mass Market Edition will be pleased to learn that Trader’s Leap, the 23rd novel in the Liaden Universe®, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, owner-operators, will be available from their favorite vendors on!

September 28 — that’s next Tuesday!


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AlbaCon news!

Steve and Sharon will be Author Guests of Honor at AlbaCon, September 17 and 18 — that’s this weekend!

You can — in fact, if you want to attend the con, you mustregister here.*  The convention is asking attendees to contribute what they feel is appropriate as a membership fee.

Our participation includes a Guest of Honor interview, conducted by Chuck Rothman; an investigation of the future of the Liaden Universe®, led by Tom Easton; and readings and panels.

Also!  Look for us at the Ice Cream Social on Friday evening.

One! More! Time!  Here’s the link to the convention.*

Everybody clear?  Excellent!  See you there!


*Yes, the links all say 2020, but we are assured that they are working for the 2021 Virtual AlbaCon.

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Housekeeping note

The Correct Reading Order page has been updated.

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Convention and publishing update

Steve and Sharon will be Writer Guests of Honor at the Virtual AlbaCon, on September 17 and 18, 2021 — note:  all of the web signage says 2020, but the info is for 2021.  Here’s the link.

Registration is open to all.  The con is asking people to donate what they can.  Here’s the link to the registration page.  Hope to see you all there!

In other news, now that the contract has been signed and countersigned, we can reveal that we sold original Liaden Universe® short story “Gadreel’s Folly,” featuring a character who may be familiar to some long-time readers, to editor Jason Cordova for the anthology Chicks in Tank Tops, tentatively scheduled to be published by Baen in 2022.  Watch the skies for more details and a preorder link, when one is available.

In workaday news, Steve has opene...

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For those who prefer to buy from Baen, this link will go live TOMORROW, that is to say July 31, 2021.

Here’s your direct link to purchase BAD ACTORS: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 33, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, from Baen.

Recall, please, that Baen and Maine keep time via the East Time Zone of the US, and plan your shopping accordingly.

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So there’s that

FAIR TRADE, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the 24th novel in the Liaden Universe®, direct sequel to 2013’s TRADE SECRET, has been turned in to Madame the Publisher at Baen.
Publication date is tentatively set for Summer 2022.
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BAD ACTORS available for pre-order

BAD ACTORS:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 33, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, published by Pinbeam Books, is now available for pre-order.  Links follow the Short, Obligatory FAQ.

  1.  YES, you will be able to purchase the ebook from Baen when it publishes, on July 31.  You can’t pre-order from Baen, because they don’t do that for non-Baen books.
  2.  YES, there will be a paper edition, eventually.  Amazon does not do pre-orders of paper books which are produced through CreateSpace or whatever Amazon’s print arm is called today.
  3.  YES, all three stories are reprints.  The stories are:  “Excerpts from Two Lives” (Star Destroyers, Baen, March 2018); “Dark Secrets” (Infinite Stars: Dark Frontiers, Titan, November 2019); “Revolu...
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