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Monday at noon we posted a new Liaden story

While we’re working on  the still untitled first-of-five Liaden novels under contract we’re still watching — and experiencing! — as the rest of the Liaden Universe expands.

If you haven’t bookmarked and checked on Splinter Universe you may want to go there and do that, because — well, see this: “Code of Honor” is up now.

The site itself is at

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News in the Liaden sphere

We’ve had a busy few days here in the wilds of Maine. Not only have we arrived at an agreement for Liaden Universe Companion #3 — but Audible is putting Fledgling on a this week only sale…

You only have until Saturday, May 17 to get Fledgling for $3.95!

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Lee and Miller at Boothbay Harbor Saturday July 12

So, where are you going to be next Saturday?

We’re going to be hanging with the cool kids in Boothbay Harbor.

Brochure_W_Maine_Authors_Final Brochure_W_Maine_Authors_Final pg 2

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Carousel Seas eBook and Audio News!

The Kindle edition of Carousel Seas is now available for download from Amazon.

Here’s your link.

Those who prefer to download their ebooks directly from Baen, may do so from this link.


The Audible edition of Carousel Seas is now available for pre-order from this link.

For those who pre-ordered signed copies of Carousel Seas from Uncle Hugo, I am awaiting delivery of the books from the warehouse.  As soon as they arrive, I will — as quickly as I can manage — sign those 100 books and send them on to the Uncle.

Thank you for your patience.


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Dragon in Exile complete wrap-around cover art

Dragon in Exile cover art by David B. Mattingly

Dragon in Exile cover
art by David B. Mattingly

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Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 106

Sharon and Steve are very sorry to have to cancel out of Boskone and SasQuan.  The reasons are complex, having to do with a challenging combination of financial, time, and health resources.  We’re not happy about this, but — our health comes first, as do the two Liaden books that are to be delivered in 2015.

NOTE:  We are, with appropriate time to schedule and prepare, available to Skype to conventions and/or fan gatherings.  Please write to Steve via Facebook or at kinzelATkorvalDOTcom if you would like to coordinate a Skype event.

In early June, Baen will be sending Steve and Sharon on a Northeast book tour in support of Dragon in Exile, the 18th novel of the Liaden Universe(R).  More details as they are forthcoming.


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Two more books under contract and more news

Baen Books has just extended an offer for two more Liaden books from the authors — those contracts are in the works and should result in new books being turned to Baen in 2018 and 2019. Alas, we’re not sure of the exact publication dates as yet. Those contracts are for books that will not be in the “Five Book Dash” we’re currently in the midst of — we’re (temporarily, at least) calling them the “mask books” since we can’t give you titles and we’re masking what they’ll be about.

In the meantime, readers and fans have been asking for ways to show extra support for our work...

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Coming this summer — a book, and a book tour

In June, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller are going on an East Coast book tour this summer in  support of Dragon In Exile, the next Liaden novel…click to see some of what Clan Korval is facing … with art by David Mattingly.

Click here for a link to a special animated edition of that art …



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Signed Copies of Dragon in Exile

Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore in Minneapolis will be your source for signed copies of Dragon in Exile.  Ordering will open at the end of February/beginning of March and close on May 1.  More details — and a link! — as they become available.

Uncle Hugo’s (and its brother store, Uncle Edgar’s) ships worldwide, and does not charge your credit card until your order has been assembled and is ready to go.


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Been waiting for the Dragon in Exile eArc?

Your wait is over.

Download direct from Baen Books in the format of your choice, here.

Also, here’s a link to an unusual cover variation for Dragon in Exile

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