Sharon Lee and Steve Miller have just submitted their one hundredth collaborative effort, novel SALVAGE RIGHT, to Toni Weisskopf, at Baen Books.
Read MoreLee and Miller Convention Schedule
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be attending ChiCon8, the 80th World Science Fiction Convention, to be held in Chicago, August 31-September 4. The selection of panelists is on-going. The Final Lee and Miller Schedule will be reported here, as soon as there is on.
Planning is underway for a Friends of Liad breakfast. News of that event will also be posted here as soon as there is any.
Lee and Miller will be Writer Guests of Honor at Heliosphere, April 28-30 in Piscataway NJ, in their first in-person GOH gig since MidSouthCon in 2018. David Mattingly will be Artist Guest of Honor.
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Let it be known that yesterday’s Writers’ Day Off” trip to New Hampshire was not only occasion for a leisurely drive to the Plymouth, NH environs but also a well-researched opportunity to meet with and adopt to our household one 21 month old Maine Coon cat from Kelimcoons, the same home that brought us Trooper, Sprite, and Belle. Currently going by the call-name Firefly, she is slated to assume the vacant fourth cat position.
Our new young friend was remarkably calm during her one hundred and fifty mile drive across state lines to the Cat Farm, only complaining once or twice – as who would not? – during several unexpected turn-and-bump situations.
On arrival at the Cat Farm, Firefly took up overnight residency in the second bathroom in order to recoup her energy...
Read MoreChicks in Tank Tops: TOC and Cover
Yesterday on Facebook, fearless editor Jason Cordova revealed the not-quite-final cover of the upcoming Chicks in Tank Tops (Baen, January 2023), and the Table of Contents.
Lee and Miller have a story in this anthology, and so do a bunch of other talented writers, which adds up to quite a TOC.
Don’t take our word for it, though, have a look for yourself.
Chicks in Tank Tops Table of Contents:
“Gadreel’s Folly” by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
“Hold the Line” by Kevin Ikenberry
“A Girl and Her K’t’ank” by Jody Lynn Nye
“Airborne All the Way” by David Drake
“Airborne: The Next Mission” by David Drake
“Goddess of War” by A. C. Haskins
“Barbie and Gator Ken versus the Hurricane” by Joelle Presby
“Jeanne d’Architonnere” by G. Scott Huggins
“Operation Dad Liberation” by Lydia Sherrer & David Sherrer
Steve explains the origins of Tinsori Light:
many years ago — say in the mid 1990s — we were established enough in Maine (and the publishing world) to begin taking short vacations “at the ocean” … which for us meant Old Orchard Beach, since it was both the closest in time and the closest to what we expected of a beach, then — a sort of honky tonk boardwalky feeling, even if there was no real boardwalk.
In a kind of foreshadowing, and as a bow to Doc Smith, we’d chosen a place called “The Skylark Inn” for this adventure….
For some reason we’d decided to travel with a small AM-FM-Weather radio that could (if necessary) be powered with hand-crank...
It’s Book Day!
Procrastinators take note!
In six days (US), it will be May 3.
Why do you care?
Because on that day, Fair Trade by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the 24th novel set in their Liaden Universe®, will be published!
You are encouraged to take any — or all! — of the following actions before May 3.
1 Preorder the ebook from the vendor of your choice, and start May 3 with that little happy thrill you get when you see a new book has downloaded to your ereader.
2 Preorder a signed hardcover from Uncle Hugo’s.
3 Preorder a hardcover from the bookstore of your choice.
4 Block out time to read Fair Trade, and make sure there’s plenty of food in the fridge, favorite beverages and snacks on-hand, because once you start reading, you won’t want to stop.
Read MoreFair Trade, the 24th Liaden Universe® novel
Crossposted from
Fair Trade, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the 24th novel set in the Liaden Universe®, a space opera geography of their own devising will be published on May 3.
What, you may ask, does this mean?
I will tell you.
It means that on May 3, the book will be simultaneously published as a hardcover and an ebook, and you — yes, you! — will able to buy it at the vendor of your choice.
Before May 3, you may:
1 Preorder the hardcover from the bookseller of your choice
1a If you want a SIGNED copy of the hardcover, you may preorder it from Uncle Hugo’s only. Here’s your link.
2 You may preorder the ebook edition of Fair Trade from Amazon, BN, and other ebook vendors.
None of the above precludes any of the others...
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