This just in!
David Mattingly’s artwork for the cover of Accepting the Lance by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, to be published by Baen Books in December 2019.
Read MoreThis just in!
David Mattingly’s artwork for the cover of Accepting the Lance by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, to be published by Baen Books in December 2019.
Read MoreAs mentioned elsewhere, Steve and I (that’s Steve Miller and Sharon Lee) will be attending Boskone 56, February 15 through 19, at the Westin Boston Waterfront. This is what our Official Con Schedule looks like. You’ll also likely see us in the art show, the dealers room, and in the hallways or the Big Living Room, reading (Sharon) or talking (Steve).
The Hopeful Future in Science Fiction
15 Feb 2019, Friday 2:00 – 2:50, Harbor II (Westin)
Science fiction can tend toward grim futuristic realism that is either technology-based or post-apocalyptic...
Accepting the Lance, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the twenty-second novel in our original Liaden Universe® series, our eighty-sixth collaborative effort, has been turned in to Baen.
Lance weighs in at just about 130,000 words.
It will be published in December 2019. Cover art will be by David Mattingly.
It is now traditional for the writer to say:
Read MoreNews:
Sharon posted my reading of “A Choice of Weapons” on the Patreon pages at: . This will be available to only for our Patreon supporters until after we get back from Boskone and will be unlocked for the general public around February 20. Not yet a Patreon supporter?We’ve been sharing readings there for awhile, see the list of posts and find a number of other readings in the “Splinter Universe Live” series … Also, let me know which -non-novel-length story you would like to hear us read next. I’m hoping to get another together before Boskone.
On the first Liaden Universe® front we’re finishing up a book — Accepting the Lance — to be turned in to Baen by the end of the month, with publication currently set for the end of the year. Watch for more news here or on Facebook.
What’s coming sooner than Accepting the Lance? To begin with, there’s Neogenesis in mass market paper. Last year’s hardback Liaden novel spent 2 months on the Locus Bestseller list and hits stores and sites on March 26, 2019. If you’ve been waiting for the small-size, it is coming your way:
Not long after Neogenesis an in demand collection arrives — Liaden Universe® Constellation #4, due out from Baen in J...
Read MoreLiaden Universe® InfoDump Number 121
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be signing the thirtieth anniversary edition of Agent of Change, and whatever else comes to hand, at Children’s Book Cellar, 52 Main Street, Waterville, Maine 04901, on! Friday, November 2, from 7:30-9 pm. Hope to see you there!
. . .but cannot attend the booksigning, you may send an email before November 2 to Ellen Richmond at /kidsbookscellarATmyfairpointDOTnet/, with “Lee and Miller” in the subject line. In the body of the letter let Ellen know how many books you want, your snail address, and any personalization request you may have. She will contact you for further necessary information.
If anyone is going to...
This is an Actual Professional Announcement, for those who want to acquire a signed copy of the 30th Anniversary Edition of Agent of Change.
Steve and I will be signing at Childrens Book Cellar in Waterville on November 2 (from 7:30-9 pm, or until the crowd is satisfied, whichever comes first).
If you would like a signed book, but cannot attend the booksigning, you may send an email before November 2 to Ellen Richmond at kidsbookscellarATmyfairpointDOTnet, with “Lee and Miller” in the subject line. In the body of the letter let Ellen know how many books you want, your snail address, and any personalization request you may have. She will contact you for further necessary information.
Here ends the Actual Professional Announcement.
This is the cover art for the Thirtieth Anniversary Edition* of Agent of Change, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Art by Sam Kennedy.
Preorder links: |Barnes and Noble| |Amazon||BAM|
*This is a mass market paperback. The publisher has no plans at this time to publish a hardcover.