Liaden Universe® Dance Card, November and December 2020

Confused by all the extra busyness surrounding the Liaden Universe® and Things Lee and Miller lately?

Yeah, us too.

What we need?  Is a Numbered List.  So!

1   Uncle Hugo’s is offering signed copies of the hardcover edition of Trader’s Leap, the 23rd novel set in the Liaden Universe® created and authored by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.  You may preorder by clicking this link.

1a  You may also preorder (unsigned copies of) Trader’s Leap from your favorite bookstore, but!  you may not preorder the ebook.  This is the way it always is.  The ebook edition will be available for download on publication day: December 1, 2020.

2   Offworld Designs is having a sale!  50% off Liaden shirts and t-shirts...

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Leap into Liad ebook sale!

All Liaden Universe® titles published by Baen Books will be on sale from your favorite ebook vendor from  November 3 through November 30!  This is a perfect chance to complete your collection, and to prepare for the Big December 1 release of the newest Liaden novel, Trader’s Leap.

Here’s your link to Baen’s promotional announcement.

Let the shopping begin.

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Of pre-orders, Kickstarters, and author events

This is your Friendly Reminder that you may pre-order signed (but not personalized) copies of Trader’s Leap, the twenty-third volume in Sharon Lee and Steve Miller’s Liaden Universe® from Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore.  Here’s your link.

Those who are so minded may purchase the eARC of Trader’s Leap right now, directly from Baen.  Here’s your link.

If you’re on the fence about the whole Trader’s Leap thing, you may read sample chapters starting here.

Also available for pre-order at all of the Usual Suspects is the ebook edition of The Wrong Lance, which was previously published at Splinter Universe and at the Lee-and-Miller Patreon page...

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News you can use

1  The Wrong Lance, Splinter Universe Presents, Volume 2 has been compiled into an ebook and is available for preorder from The Usual Suspects.  Here’s a so-called “universal” link.  Here’s the link for the Kindle edition.
1a  YES, the ebook will be available from Baen, but not until Release Day.  Baen does not have the ability to take pre-orders for Pinbeam Books (the Lee&Miller Publishing Arm)
1b  YES, there will be a paper book, but not until (or a little before or after).  Amazon is our source for paper books, and Amazon has not so far been able to figure out how to allow people to pre-order paper books
1c  If you want to talk about The Wrong Lance with other readers, a discussion area has been created for you, here
2  The eARC of Trader’s Leap, the 23rd novel in ...
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Pre-order signed copies of Trader’s Leap from the Uncle

Uncle Hugo’s is ready to accept your pre-orders for signed (but not personalized*) copies of Trader’s Leap.

Here’s your link

*For those who missed the news, Uncles Hugo and Edgar burned to the ground in the recent rioting in Minneapolis.  Store owner Don Blyly will be mailing the signed books from his apartment.  The only way this could be made to work at all was to ask Baen to do a limited run of Trader’s Leap hardcovers with pages pre-signed by Lee and Miller bound in.  This method is known in the industry as “tipped in,” which you will see in the book description when you click that link above.


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The Wrong Lance — Pre-orders open

The Wrong Lance by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is available for pre-order in the Ithing store, Kindle, Kobo and Nook stores. Order today if you like. This is the out-take of material originally written for but then not used for Accepting the Lance, and thus is non-canon…

YES, it will be available from Baen, on October 27. Baen is not able to do pre-orders for Pinbeam Books. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

A paper edition may happen — we’re still trying to figure this out. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Spoiler Discussion: Trader’s Leap

This space is provided as a service to the eARC-reading community.  If you have read the eARC of Trader’s Leap by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, and you want to Talk About It, please do so here.



Back slowly away.  Do NOT read the comments.

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Trader’s Leap eARC now available!

For those who hunt the eArc, Trader’s Leap is up and ready for download.

Here’s your link.

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Join us at AlbaCon in the Afternoon this Sunday

Attention to all the ships at sea!
Sunday you can join us — Sharon Lee and Steve Miller — when we take part in Albacon in The Afternoon stating at 1 PM Eastern, Sunday August 30.
We will be reading from Trader’s Leap and possibly from a chapbook to be decided upon realsoonnow.
Use one of the following links to the reading!
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The Wrong Lance: Author’s Wrap Up

A quick overview of the author’s side of the process, and that wraps up this sweet halcyon time together.  I hope you had as much fun as I did.

Filing under What I Tell You Three Times is True:

The Wrong Lance Project is now completed.  The chapters will remain on Splinter Universe and on Patreon through September 11.  After that date, the chapters will be taken down and gathered into the second Splinter Universe Presents chapbook.  The plan is to make the chapbook available on October 27, concurrent with the mass market paperback release of Accepting the Lance, aka The Right Lance.

Remember that there is a Discussion Area for The Wrong LanceHere’s the link.

And here!  Is the link to the Author’s Afterword

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