Lee and Miller Boskone Schedule

Yes, yes, Steve and I will be panelists at Boskone 58, February 12-14 at a computer near you! The convention schedule will be published on the site on January 16, so make a note to check in for the Compleat Schedule and List of Attendees — and to register so you can join the fun!

For those interested, the Lee-and-Miller Combined Schedule is below.

Friday, February 12, 5 pm – 6 pm PANEL:  The Learned Astronomer: Cultural Roles of Stargazing
Melanie Meadors, E. C. Ambrose (M), Steve Miller, Guy Consolmagno
For millennia, people have gazed at the sky and used what they see there to tell stories, guide choices, and plan for the future — both planning for agricultural activities and divining the future...

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OffWorld Designs Closing

I have in this morning’s mail a letter from Barb VanTilburg of OffWorld Designs.
Short form: Barb and Ray have looked about them and — they’ve decided to retire. This means that OffWorld Designs is closing (unless someone buys it. If you want to buy the business, contact Barb or Ray).
As all of us know who have made the decision to close a business that deals in real goods, the next step is to empty the warehouse.
Starting at noon Central time today, EVERYTHING in the Offworld Design Warehouse will be 50% off. That’s convention goods, Liaden stuff, bags of holding and bags of book, t-shirts — Da Works.
Do pass this news on.
Here’s the link to the Offworld Designs webpage: 
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Award Eligibility Post

This is the Annual Exercise in Futility.  You may avert your eyes if you don’t care for the topic; this is for those who are interested — you know who you are.

Lee and Miller saw a few things published in 2020 that are eligible for various awards.

Trader’s Leap, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Baen, December 2020.  The 23rd novel in the Liaden Universe® series.

Preferred Seating,” Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Baen.com, November 2020.  Short story.

Ambient Conditions,” by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Pinbeam Books (aka self-published by the authors), October 2020.  Novelette.

The Gate that Locks the Tree:  A Minor Melant’i Play for Snow Season,” by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, February 2020.  Novella.

The entire Liaden Universe®, now at 23 published novels and counting, plus doze...

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Trader’s Leap Spoiler Discussions

For those who have read Trader’s Leap, and want to talk about it, or have questions, or who would like to see what the authors think of the work, we have you covered.  Below is a list of established conversations, with links.

Trader’s Leap Spoiler Discussion

Reading Liad


Author Discussion of Trader’s Leap starts here, continues here.  Other discussions are planned, so check back.


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Lee and Miller in the Limelight

It’s been a busy month for us, what with Trader’s Leap taking its first steps into the world.  We’ve done a total of three interviews in support of it and the Liaden Universe® in general.

For those interested, here is a comprehensive list:

Baen editor Tony Daniel interviews Lee and Miller (your choice of audio or video.  Princess Jasmine Sprite makes a special guest appearance in the video)

Mysterious Galaxy reading and Q&A (video)

Paul Semel Interviews Lee and Miller (written)

Have fun!



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25th Anniversary of Two Tales of Korval

Well! File770 reports on a celebratory event that I’d missed — the 25th anniversary of the first, limited edition publication of TWO TALES OF KORVAL, later to be dignified as ADVENTURES IN THE LIADEN UNIVERSE® NUMBER ONE, shown in the report with the Jean Ann Pollard cover.
Included in TWO TALES were two stories (duh) — “To Cut an Edge,” and “A Day at the Races” — which had been accepted for publication several times by magazines that then died. For the sake of the field, we decided to publish the stories ourselves, as SRM PUBLISHER LTD.
Produced during the Long Silence between the 1989 publication of CARPE DIEM, the third Liaden novel, and the 1999 publication of PLAN B, the fourth Liaden novel, TWO TALES has gone on to sell thousands (and thousands) of copies, worldwide, and is a...
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Let’s do the time warp, again

If you one of those who missed last night’s Wild Party at Mysterious Galaxy in honor of the release of Trader’s Leap, the twenty-third novel of the Liaden Universe® created and written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller — there’s good news!

Through the magic of the internet, and the kindness of Mysterious Galaxy bookstore, you can see how it all went down.

Here’s your link.

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Trader’s Leap Book Party at Mysterious Galaxy!

OK! Trader’s Leap party tonight at Mysterious Galaxy 7 pm PACIFIC TIME. Steve Miller (who I can no longer link to, WTF Facebook?) and I will be reading from Trader’s Leap, talking about our books and the Interconnectedness of All Things, and answering questions.
If you’d like to attend the party, you need to sign up IN ADVANCE. I’ll put the link for instructions at the bottom of this post, after I say two more things.  OK, three more things.
1. This platform is not one we’ve used before, so if the instructions don’t work for you, you need to ping Mysterious Galaxy.
2. Yes, I’m aware that my name is misspelled.
3. If you can’t get to the live jam tonight, we’re told that it will be posted to YOUTUBE so that you can see it all as it happened, later.
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Shameless Self Promotion

1   Today!  Is Trader’s Leap Book Day!  This means the hardcover and ebook editions are available from your favorite vendor.

1a   If you have Just Now Realized that you would like to have a signed copy of Trader’s Leap, Uncle Hugo’s has a few more pre-signed copies.  Here’s your link.

1b   If you — yes, you; I see you there in the corner — have finished reading Trader’s Leap and Want to Talk About It, there is a spoiler discussion in progress at this link.  This is a moderated venue, so your post will not appear immediately.  It will be made public within 24 hours, and usually sooner, but we do sleep, and having the cats moderate just hasn’t worked out.

2   Ambient Conditions:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 31 is now available from your favorite ebook vendor...

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Trader’s Leap is shipping and! Ambient Conditions Update

Don Blyly at Uncle Hugos Bookstore is working from home after his store was burnt out.  He tells us that the exclusive to the Uncles signed-via-tipped-in-sheets Trader’s Leap, the twenty-third novel of the Liaden Universe® by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, has arrived and is being shipped as he has time — he’s already packed some Canadian orders as well as a bunch of US orders.

The official publication date for Leap is December 1, but since Baen doesn’t usually embargo books (and Don’s house can only hold so many books) he’s going ahead now. He mentions that he has more than enough for the 150 or so pre-orders, and he’ll ship new orders first-come basis after the pre-orders are done.  If you haven’t yet ordered your signed edition of Trader’s Leap, now is the hour.  Here’s your link.


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