Category Convention News

Gifts, Travel, and Writing Going Forth

David Mattingly, creator of the wonderful cover art for Liaden Universe® novels Saltation, Mouse and Dragon, and Ghost Ship sent us an animation of the Ghost Ship cover, which you can see here:  Ghost Ship

This kind gift inspired me to link to all of the artists who have created images for Liaden Universe® novels and stories over the years — check them out over in the sidebar.

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Steve and I have only just now returned from the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno, with a side trip to Minneapolis to sign (lots and lots) of books at Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore.

We have one more trip scheduled this year.  In just two weeks Steve and I, with Phil and Kaja Foglio, Abney Park, and many, many other Very Cool People will be Guests at The Great New England Steampunk Expositio...

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Exciting Times for the Liaden Universe®

The Liaden Universe® didn’t start out as a Universe; it started out as one book. That book, a quirky little space opera called Agent of Change, was published by Del Rey as a paperback original, in February, 1988.

That would be, let’s see…

Twenty-five years ago, this February.

Holy bananas.

You’d think that having a Silver Anniversary to celebrate in 2013 would be excitement enough for any pair of authors — but you’d be wrong.

Not only is February 2013 the Silver Anniversary of the Liaden Universe®, the sixteenth novel in the Universe, Necessity’s Child will be released on February 5, in hardcover, signed hardcover, ebook, and audiobook!

Also?  Every single Liaden Universe® novel ever written is — at this very instant! — in print, as omnibus, hardcover, trade paper, mass market, ebook, an...

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New free Liaden story at Splinter Universe and Boskone news

For January we’ve added a new story to the line-up over at Splinter Universe — you can find it there now. We plan to add a story each month as well as the occasional guest story as well. The new story, “The Rifle’s First Wife” is a novelette of just over 13000 words and will be online for a few months. If you’d like to support these expanded efforts, read the story, and find a donate link at the end.

Meanwhile, as things stand now Sharon will not be at Boskone the weekend between Valentine’s Day and President’s Day, but Steve will. Look for a Friends of Liad Breakfast, probably Saturday February 15 in one of the hotel restaurants. Steve had a full slate of program items, a reading, signing and kaffeeklatsch on schedule.

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Boskone schedule for Steve Miller and other updates

First … coming Friday …
Steve Miller at Boskone*
Friday February 14
  • Bleeding Hearts Fri 18:00 – 18:50, Harbor II
  • Good vs Evil: The Great Divide Fri 20:00 – 20:50, Burroughs

Saturday, February 15

  • Autographing with Steve Miller & Charles Stross Sat 11:00 – 11:50, Galleria-Autographing
  • Writers on Writing: Character Versus Characterization Sat 12:00 – 12:50, Lewis
  • Reading by Steve Miller Sat 13:00 – 13:25, Griffin
  • Kaffeeklatsche with Steve Miller Sat 14:00 – 14:50, Galleria-Kaffeeklatsch 1
  • The Long Series — How We Did It Sat 17:00 – 17:50, Harbor I
  • Boskone Book Release   Sat 19:30 – 21:00 — lots of books new and on the way, including some new Lee & Miller items

Sunday, February 16

  • Ezines, Fanzines, and Blogs, Oh My! Sun 11:00 – 11:50, Lewis
  • Reboots: New Chances for Old Stories? Sun...
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New Liaden story, and where to find us and our stories, this summer

We’ve published a new Liaden Universe® story over at the Splinter Universe site — look for “Roving Gambler” along with other splinters and stories. We’ll be updating that site more regularly now — watch for some spoken word reprises of older (non-Liaden) Lee & Miller fiction starting soon.  You can help support these efforts — you’ll see donation buttons on the stories and in the margins there.

Coming up this summer, Lee & Miller will be attending DetCon 1 — this years NASFIC or North American Science Fiction Convention. That’ll be in July, and we expect to have an evening Liaden party, autograph, have Friends of Liad breakfast, and read from works in progress — as well as be on panels and wander the wonders of the convention...

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Lee and Miller’s PhilCon Principal Speaker Speech, in its entirety

Despite our best efforts, and despite that we practiced beforehand, to be sure that we wouldn’t run over our time — we ran over our time at PhilCon, and did not finish delivering our Writer Guest of Honor Speech.  Several people asked and/or suggested that we post it on the web, so that it could be read.

Without further ado, here is that speech, complete with stage directions:

Choices: The Creative Conundrum

Guest of Honor Speech

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

PhilCon 2014

November 21-23, 2014

Cherry Hill, New Jersey


Thank you (intro person’s name –) thank you for that welcome. We also need to thank program Czar Hugh Casey, Convention chair Gary Feldbaum, and FILL IN NAMES.

Thank you all for allowing us to stand here today where only a select few from our community have stood in s...

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Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 110

It’s All About the Clothes — Liaden Tshirts and More!
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller have teamed up with Outworld Designs to bring you — yes, you! — Liaden Universe® tshirts, polos, and denim shirts.  Here’s the link to the search page. Click on the thumbnail to see the whole shirt, and to pre-order the items of your choice.
Signed Copies of Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 3
The deadline for pre-ordering personalized copies of this upcoming collection has passed, but!  you can still pre-order signed copies. Uncle Hugo’s also has signed copies of many other Lee-and Miller, and Lee, titles.  Here’s your link to pre-order and to browse other volumes.
RavenCon, Here We Come!
Miller and Lee will be Writer Guests of Honor at RavenCon, April 29-May 1, 2016, in Williamsburg, VA!  Here’...
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Lee and Miller’s MidSouthCon Schedule

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller are Writer Guests of Honor at MidSouthCon, March 9-11

Here’s our schedule:

Friday 6:00 PM Pro Row
Pro Row
Meet your favorite MidSouthCon professional, maybe get their autograph or buy their works. Pro Row is located in the hallway outside of the Tennessee Ballrooms.

Friday 7:00 PM Grand Ballroom
Opening Ceremony
MidSouthCon 36 officially kicks off as we greet our Guests of Honor, and say hello to our members.
Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, Peri Charlifu, Alan Alexander, Mike Carlin, Keri Bean, Ellen Datlow, Bonnie Gordon, Xander Jeanneret, Mike Resnick

Friday 9:00 PM Grand Ballroom
Meet the Guests II
Come meet and greet MidSouthCon 36’s Guests of Honor while enjoying some light refreshments.
Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, Alan Alexander, Bonnie Gordon, Xander Jeanneret,...

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Lee and Miller’s Confluence Schedules Revealed!

AsyouknowBob, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be Writer Guests of Honor at Confluence, in Pittsburgh, August 4, 5, 6.

Here’s your link to Steve’s schedule.

Here’s your link to Sharon’s schedule.

Here’s your link to the Master Schedule.

Here’s your link to the con’s front page.

You will notice that there is a Friends of Liad breakfast scheduled for Sunday at 8:30 am in the hotel restaurant.  Despite being scheduled, this is not a convention-funded event.  It is what we called in my youth Dutch Treat, with every attendee (including Steve and me) ordering, and paying for, their own breakfast and tip.  Steve and I try to host a FoL breakfast at every con we go to, whether we GoHs, panelists, or convention members.  The Friends of Liad breakfast is. . .Well, it’s most like an extended fami...

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Coming — and here now — in 2019

Welcome to 2019 and some news from the various worlds of Lee & Miller

On the first Liaden Universe® front we’re finishing up a book — Accepting the Lance — to be turned in to Baen by the end of the month, with publication currently set for the end of the year. Watch for more news here or on Facebook.

What’s coming sooner than Accepting the Lance? To begin with, there’s Neogenesis in mass market paper. Last year’s hardback Liaden novel spent 2 months on the Locus Bestseller list and hits stores and sites on March 26, 2019. If you’ve been waiting for the small-size, it is coming your way:

Not long after Neogenesis an in demand collection arrives — Liaden Universe® Constellation #4, due out from Baen in J...

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