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94 comments to SALVAGE RIGHT Spoiler Space

  • Kathryn Sullivan  says:

    As I’m reading, this story just confirms my delight in the Uncle’s sister.

  • Sue  says:

    Marvellous as usual, I read straight through, and I have to say I am no TYOP reader. I didn’t see any

    • Kathryn Sullivan  says:

      Sue, did your copy have the table of contents listed twice at the beginning, or was it just mine?

      • Susan Ivey  says:

        Yes it did have two table of contents.

  • Miriam G Stark  says:

    I was excited to actually be able to buy the eArc in good time to maybe be among the mighty tyop hunters, but life is being difficult right now. We shall see if I Get Time. There was one section of dialogue where I wasn’t sure who was speaking, but I’m going back to look and see if it was just me being obtuse.

    Meanwhile, the book was great at my first read, although I have to wonder if anyone else was a little perturbed at Anthora drinking a lot of wine whilst pregnant.

    I dearly love the tree deciding who is family! The fact that Anthora can heal that horrid whistle call is super brilliant. There was lots of the plot that really went well for me.

    Thank you for making a spoiler space available for me to make these comments!!

    • Maria Cox  says:

      I hadn’t particularly noticed Anthora drinking wine but thinking about it now, I assume she would, as a talented healer, be able to protect her child against the ill-effects of alcohol. Or perhaps this particular effect of alcohol doesn’t occur in Liadens.

      • Derek Tattersall  says:

        I think that the “humans” in the Liaden Universe have been so heavily manipulated genetically that they just don’t react the same way to environmental influences as we poor control naturals do.

        I’ve noticed that Shan seems to always have a glass in his hand, sometimes just before heading to the bridge.

        • Terry Larsen  says:

          I think planetary divergence is also an issue. It seems that most humans are planet bound. Which must have some effect on the genome.

    • Thomas Bryson  says:

      I had some difficulty tracking who was speaking as the POV jumped around.

      I quite enjoyed the story and the vision of the station being so beautiful, unlike every other station in the series.

      And we finally got Uncle’s full name.

      The Uncle’s sister was great. I was hoping that when she extracted Joyita when he got lost chasing the virus, that she should have downloaded him into a blank body.

      I felt that Lorith could have been more rounded out as a character. She had been subverted by Tinsori Light when she pulled out her knife, but then she seemed to disappeared from the story until the rack and tiles were destroyed.

      I will read it again to look over that part in particular. While I am at it I will look for TYOPs.

      • Liz  says:

        That niggles me too. And what was she working so hard on, in secret?

        • Joann L  says:

          As I read it:

          Lorith got a new set of memory beads that the Light had corrupted.
          She was manufacturing tiles in her workroom to contain software from the Light.
          She then placed those tiles in the faristo room where they were used for the new rack & tile system, giving the Light a new home, which Jen Sin destroyed with the bowli ball.

      • Thomas Bryson  says:

        Re-reading this book was a delight. My difficulty tracking was about me, my lack of paying close attention. The story is great.

  • Art Hodges  says:

    Delightful first read. Now comes the “work” part…

  • Ed8r  says:

    What a -satisfying- read. From the first chapter to the last, I was fully engaged. Reading the authors’ afterword, I understood my delight. Sharon said: “The characters on Tinsori Light deserved better from their authors. They deserved not only hope, but help. They deserved a reason to believe in good things again. They needed reasons to go forward.” Ah, hope–isn’t that “the thing with feathers,” or in this case, merely mimicking things with feathers. 😉

    I too found a couple spots that would benefit from use of a name instead of an ambiguous pronoun; those will be included in my own TYOPS report. RE: Anthora drinking wine while pregnant, I would have assumed, had I thought of it, that she was more than able to “heal” the harm in the alcohol as it touched her lips.

    • Thomas Bryson  says:

      Thanks for reminding me of the comment about hope. On my re-read I am noticing the mentioning of love, joy and innocence.

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Early on in my reading, I guessed, wrongly that Bechimo would download one of his stored personalities to be the station, nice curveball/screwball.
    For the last several mainline books I have been hoping we might find out woh will be the trader in Theo’\s crew. My guess have expanded to include the Uldra-Joenz family Others are Vanz Careens-Denobli . Gordy and lastly Padi. I think that Padi and Theo in the same book would blow the covers off it. Hpw-so-ever I think OBA (Our Beloved Authors) could make it work but might not survive the effort unchanged or even intact so to speak.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Another possible is Trader Isfelm from Redlands.

  • Linda Thorsen  says:

    I really enjoyed this book, but that was not surprising. Glad that I got to finish it on my birthday! A great indulgence. My only disappointment was that I would have liked Gordy to make an actual appearance. I confess to wanting to know what kind of adult and trader he has become, beyond just his letter. I really enjoyed getting to know Jen Sin and Catie–and of course seeing all the folks we know already. Have submitted my TYOP report. I only had to go back once or twice to figure out who was speaking.

  • Bob DeRosiet  says:

    Film writers are often advised to watch Hitchcock and note how he cuts between two competing plot perspectives races as a way to build tension. I have not gone to count how many perspectives are in play here. The authors had my attention anyway.

    Is there a foreshadowed love interest for Jen Sin?

    Now that we have more details on the origins of Bowli ball, it warrants more description in the wiki.

    I did get distracted with noticing where Light Keeper was capitalized and where it was not.

    • Linda Thorsen  says:

      Re: the capitalization, I noticed that too, but I think the usage is consistent, following the rule of capitalizing when the title immediately precedes the name or is used as direct address, and not otherwise. Dealing with titles and melant’i is a bit complicated in this book, given diverse professional identities and relationships. To Tochol or Jen Sin, for example, Theo can be Captain, Theo, or Cousin. And melant’i can shift within a conversation.

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Random Musings
    Stuff I liked : avians/birds. Anthora and Ren Zel becoming active, more tree cousins,
    ldra-Joenz on the scene, all the strong women, Ren Stryker, Disian, distinct charater voices,
    Catalinc station becoming and freeing Tochol.

    Just off the top of my head.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Tolly and Haz becoming a couple too.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Slow thinker here.
      This came to me today.
      Tolly and Haz are a/the reflection of Cantra and Jela.
      Genders and all, mirrored.

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    The three great works
    In the chapter entitles Bechimo En route
    The three great works are mentioned. Tinsori being one.
    My stab/guess is that Daglyte Seam where the DOI Commanders were promoted/infused was another.
    I have no clue as to the third.
    Anyone have a guess. speculation or recollection ?

    • othin  says:

      There was a World Eater somewhere … which had been distroyed by the hero Ahab-Esais.

      I always thought of Naratha’s Shadow as something else – maybe something construted specially to distroy a Great Work – and therefore dangerous in itself.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Do you happen to recall which book or story that event was in ?

      • othin  says:

        Naratha’s Shadow is one of the storrys, and the World Eater Glyeth was mentioned in the book acceting the lance, right after mentioning recruiting station at Hols Senneth.

        • Terry Larsen  says:

          Many thanx.

    • Henya Rachmiel  says:

      Aberthaz ferry names three of the, in the previous book.

  • Marni Rachmiel  says:

    With Theo (and the Tree that had come through in Spiral Dance) recognizing the Institute-designed people as genetically related to Cantra, i was waiting for her to also recognize the Uldra-Joenz family as her cousins through Daav’s paternal line. And my hopes are raised for Daav to somehow connect with his paternal cousins…. though since he and Aelliana are stepping up as Road Boss on Surebleak while the Delms head to Catalinc Station, it’s more likely to be Val Con discovering his cousins (or Miri or Theo doing it for him…).

    • othin  says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised if Gordy gave Shan some clues about meeting the relatives… too bad he didn’t show up jet. I would love to see the meeting between him and the Bechimos crew.
      And then I’d like to know how Gordy and his trade will compare to Pady or Jethri…

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      I love the way OBA (Our Beloved Authors) snuck Miri’s plan for clan by choice to accrete tree-kin and other gene connected people
      into or near to clan Korval. I foresee a possible marriage with the Careens-Denobli family in the futuer. Also a possible reconnection with the Uldra-Joenz. Neogenisus had some far reaching plans that are only now starting to blossom.

  • Sarah Stapleton  says:

    I read it in one gulp yesterday, from noon to midnight. I’m going to go through more slowly today.
    I noted in my TYOP report that section headings, as listed in the Table of Contents, were only present sometimes in the text. Anyone else?
    I only had one TOC, in Apple Books.
    Joelle in the initial Travelers Aid crew rang a bell for me as someone we’ve encountered or heard about before. What am I thinking of?
    Not knowing what Lorith was up to added so much suspense and tension to the story!
    I love the volunteer firefighters model of space rescue!
    So much deliciousness.

    • Kathryn Sullivan  says:

      Yeah, the missing section headings with the locations and days in my Kindle version bothered me as well. I sent in the list in my TYOP report.

  • Sarah Stapleton  says:

    Jaileen, not Joelle

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Trees we have met. Jelaza Kazone. Yulies tree. The tree residing in Bechimo. The new sapling on Catalinc Station. Unknowns are the two trees for the Yos’Galen island. I also wonder if the Clutch in the person of Clan Knife would want a seedling if offered. Anyone know of more that I did not mention ?

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      My faulty memory.
      Lytaxian tree.
      Tiazan and Tel vosti.

    • Sarah E Erickson  says:

      Erob has a tree on Lytaxin.

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    By all that is Benevolent, I love how these books send me on a research jag.
    In Plan B, I just noticed Jen Sar …Tiazan of Ckan Erob. The Kiladi intersection.

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    If Veeoni succeeds in destroying the Lyre gene banks then the only viable gene banks belong to the Uncle. Caveat, that we know of. It was intimated by Vespal thew YXTrang ambassador that their banks were degrading. I appeal to the ‘Authors’\ to create a stream were we could list characters we would like to read about. Just names and/or a short description. ie Beba the merchant that sold the sinners rug to Pat Rin and the above mentioned ambassador. I have others in mind. I’m just saying.

    • Sarah Stapleton  says:

      Yes, I am looking forward to Veeple’s meeting the Pathfinders, the continuation of that line.

  • othin  says:

    Has anyone figured out yet how long it takes from Surebleak to Catalink? Imho it must be something between 18 to 25 days. Can anyone do better?

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      My thoughts are that our authors make time keeping flexable.
      My liaden guess is 12 – 24 days. I don’t even know how long they have been on Surebleak or how old Shindi Mik and Syl Vor are.

      • Terry Larsen  says:

        How many days flight between Redlands and Catlinc Staion ?

        • Terry Larsen  says:

          Will Shan send Anthora and Ren Zel to Redlands for a recharge ?

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Kareen is not a pilot. How can she stand in for the delm?
    Should not Nova of Krvid be temp delm instead ?

    • Michael Scott Shappe  says:

      Delms can change the rules if they want to.

      Kareen’s mother could have changed the rules if she’d wanted to. She didn’t. She may have had good reasons, mind you, but she could have, and she didn’t.

      Val Con and Miri, clearly, have.

      • Henya  says:

        Kareen is a lot different than she was back on Liad.

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Does anyone know what color the station is ?

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      I am hoping it is a Pink Catalinc.

  • Graham  says:

    Have we had any detailed information about the contents of Jen Sin’s courier packet? Very curious what sort of “scheme outlined would have destroyed Korval, and [the planet] Delium itself.”

    Is this related to Rinork’s dabbling in piracy which was ongoing at the time of our last adventure with Jethri? But alas those stories do not give us a Korval perspective of events, so we probably won’t learn any details there either.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Another Liaden tease and/or food for thought
      Bits of backround are always fun to fit in to the overall tapestry.
      Lots of loose threads hanging around out there.

    • John  says:

      I am reminded of something Lois Bujold said in response to a similar question. Basically some of her best lines, and backstory implications, “just felt right. “

      Wouldn’t be surprised if the authors are also still somewhat in the dark. Sometimes characters are very tight lipped about their past.

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Anyone think that a or the Bedel ship might show up at Catalinc ?
    Yuri did start them and I would really like to read that story.
    Do the Bedel know it ?

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Can anyone pint me to where Andreth is located ?
    I presume it is closest location to Catalinc since it was ta the forefront of the Catalinc Project.

    • Kathryn Sullivan  says:

      According to the Wiki “Andreth – an associate of The Uncle found signs of surveillance at Catalinc”

      • Terry Larsen  says:

        Since Veeoni is ordering supplies from Andreth he/she must be located reasonable close possinly closer than Edmonton Beacon.

        • othin  says:

          Isn’t Andreth at the uncle’s research station near Catalink? The one that Inki and Tochol evaded with smuggles ace and that Tolly and Haz talked their way through with an old password? The research station that gathered all the data about the remaking of the universe?

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    The edmonton Beacon site ?

  • othin  says:

    neogenesis – final Tinsory Light chapter – 2nd section: ” The dust clouds had dissipated. Andreth at the research station had shown her the analysis….”

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    It appears to me that this book is a sequal to Neogenisios.
    <y hope for the next non-Jethri book is that ti will be a follow up to Traders Leap.

    • dave  says:

      Salvage Right has I believe been turned in

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Is JenSin of the same time frame as the Jethri arc ?
    I don’\t recall the ‘clan wars’\ being mentioned.
    Anyone have a guess or info ?

    • Terry  says:

      My guess is later. Jen Sin “died” two hundred standards before the present time, and my impression is that the Jethri arc occurs long before that.

      • Joann L  says:

        Jethri was born circa 1100 (Balance of Trade dated 1118). Jen Sin was born 50 years later (41 years old around 1191).

  • Thomas Bryson  says:

    I was fascinated by the shadows of people killed by Tinsori Light. It reminded me of a shadow I saw at the ground zero museum in Hiroshima of a woman vaporized by the bomb. I wonder if OBA were ever there, or was it just those squirrely minds? Great story.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Is that shadow mage online ? everything else in the world is.

      • Ed8r  says:

        Yes, a simple search will find several examples.

  • illac  says:

    I thought that Spiral Dancer was flown onto Liad by Nova in an earlier book

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Flown to Bechimo by Stost and Chernack to save Surebleak.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      stost and Chernak flew it to Bechimo to help deal with the old-tech.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Flown from backyard of Jelaza Kazone to the port.
      All on Surebleak.
      As far as I know Spiral Dance has never been to Liad.

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Now that the Uncle and Korval are partnered, might the tree ask Uncle, to clone
    Cantra and Jela.

  • Thomas Bryson  says:

    I like the way that Anthora and Ren Zel found there way back into the story line, now that they are diminished – but still perfect for solving the Lyre Institute.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      I would love to see them sent to Redlands for a recharge, sooner or later.

      • Thomas Bryson  says:

        That’s a good idea Terry.

  • Derek Tattersall  says:

    I am looking forward to Gordy getting back into the picture. He hasn’t had an on screen speaking part since “Plan B,” I think.

    In “Salvage Right” I thought it was funny how he keeps being about to arrive, but he never quite gets there. I called it “Waiting for Gordot”

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    Same with whoever will be the trader in Theo’\s crew.
    Many other teases over the last several books

  • Thomas Bryson  says:

    I am still holding out for Joyita collaborating with Veeoni to get a body.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Good one Thomas.
      Maybe with help from Tochol and Jeeves.

  • Othin  says:

    Waiting for Gordot – I agree. Another thread I would like to hear more about is the Uldra-Jones Family – more Cousins for Theo and the Tree – and I wonder if at least some part of the familie is still under contract of Tree and Dragon family.

  • SALVAGE RIGHT drops July 4  says:

    […] Want to talk SPOILERS?  There’s an ongoing reader discussion right over here. […]

  • skip  says:

    A feel-good read, quite enjoyable. I liked the avians, for novelty. Fun to seethe Station take shape.

    Not sure why Val Con felt the need to come. What was his hunch??

    Yay for Ren Zel and Anthora. Excellent scenes !

    Hoorah for Chernak and Stost — they fit into their duties perfectly, and teamed nicely with Hazenthull.

    Lyre — I would like to see Signeur Veeooni’s long-term plan for Balance come to fruition. A sequel?

    Feels for Jen Sin’s journey of the soul — the writers captured a man long-wearied by desperate duty but still willing to stand firm, with no hope for himself, no thought of personal happiness. Well done.

    The only pesky bit was Jen Sin’s oversight regarding Lorith. I do not think a man such as he would have let weeks go by without checking in with her, especially after she drew a blade on him. That felt off. Uncaring. What killed her, precisely ? Ripping off the beads??

    I loved his core- smashing scene. One determined light-keeper! I enjoyed his relationship with Catalinc/Catie, illustrated also via the avian bots. The birds dive-bombing the assassin was superb. Is Catie his heart link? Nice to see his personal Residence unfold, and the bleak station come to color and life. There was a good line in there about how precious a sense of calm order was to him, after two centuries of chaos. Yes. Plus his appreciation for simple things like hot tea and wine.

    Really enjoyed the Bowli Ball scenes, especially when Jen Sin first saw the game in action. Felt vivid, active, fun. Enjoyed the history of the game, too.

    Wanted a bit more with Norse Uldra-Joenze and his siblings aboard Karil, named after their…grandmother (?) Karil Joenz, who married Fer Gun pen Uldra. Maybe next book.

    Questions: Can Tinsori Light still move, travel? It could in original short story, I think. Does it still have a weather-changing room? Why is Gordy aboard Generous Passage? Is it a flagship, like all preceding Passages? Is Dutiful P no longer the flagship? that would make sense, given it went into war.

    • Kelly Morgan  says:

      I had the same reaction regarding the Jen Sin/Lorith interactions. They’ve spent 200 years (off/on) alone together, relying on each other, facing incredible threats together, and he just completely stops checking in on her (with one brief exception)? I get that things get very busy, very quickly, but a quick “Hey, how’s it going? What are you up to today?” message seems doable. Also, he’s exceedingly concerned about his own potential contamination, but doesn’t seem to have the same concerns for her even thought she’s still wearing her beads. Lastly, he seems sad, but not as sad as I would’ve thought, at her death. Is there a chance that he knew all along she was contaminated and had already made his peace with the fact that she would eventually have to die in order to finally eliminate any further threat from the old Tinsori Light? That’s the only reason I’ve been able to come up with for his disengagement from her and lowered reaction to her death.

      Other than the above, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I had to force myself to take breaks in order to avoid gobbling it up in a few hours. It was great to catch up with Bechimo’s crew, Anthora & Ren Zel, and to see one of the Trees up to its usual tricks.

      • skip  says:

        re Kelly:

        I wonder, like you, if Jen Sin had already realized that Lorith was too far gone, suffused in contamination, and come to terms with it. But how could he know, if he hadn’t seen her or spoken much with her? Also, I still would have expected him to seek help for her — just in case something could be done— from the resident expert, Researcher Veeoni. I also felt the lack of any mourning. Soon after she died, there was a name day party for Catie. I expected a huge heartfelt eulogy for Lorith — such a hero — she kept the Light far longer than did Jen Sin, and in two universes. Maybe that is yet to come. They did discuss how the Sedarat sisters die, in glory, with a remembrance song. I hope to hear the song.

        • Kelly Morgan  says:

          Yes, I agree on both. He seemed solely focused on his own potential contamination when he had to know hers was far more likely given how much longer she’d been there. And yet, he’s clearly not a selfish person…hence my confusion. Perhaps more will be expounded upon in future stories.

  • Terry Larsen  says:

    I just came up with a realization.
    The two main arcs Shan et al and Theo et al remind me of the DNA double helix.
    Just a curious insight.

    • Terry Larsen  says:

      Read the released version.
      Every read brings new insights, as usual.
      I am staring a list of points to make.
      Everyone please enjoy the reading.
      Also note there are many cogent comments in this spoiler space.
      Some of them might even be mine.

      • skip  says:

        how much does the final version differ from eARC, aside from typos, formatting glitches?

  • Linkmeister  says:

    Excellent excellent read. Hazenthull is blossoming. Ren Zel notices “a glimmer of mischief” on her face when she gives him a ride back to his ship from Jen Sin’s living quarters. It’s also amusing to watch the Liadens and Terrans learn to interact with the Yxtrang as people, not monsters.

    Tolly’s shock and self-recrimination when he learns that a Liaden Healer could get rid of the Lyre Institute’s hold on him was a revelation.

    • skip  says:

      Any capable healer could probably remove the compulsion, even a Terran healer from, say, Surebleak

  • skip  says:

    Did anyone feel like maybe Jen Sin’s clone did not die in a fiery explosion — maybe Lantis did not blow up, either? If the Light tinkered with the clone, maybe he’s still alive out there, up to no good.

  • Beth  says:

    Just saw a youtube video on the ghost ship Baychimo. Fascinating and nice to finally know where Bechimo got his name.

  • JJ  says:

    Am I the only one confused with the rather quick ending to the book? Tocohl was in remote control of Ahab-Esais when it was about to blow up. I assume she wasn’t actually in it when it did blow up. But she is not at the party with the other humanoids and AIs. We also don’t have a complete accounting of how this all ended for the Lyre Institute’s scheming. For example, what happened to the two assassins other than their unconscious bodies were thrown in the brig? I got the impression from the afterword that this was going to tie up lose ends. But it appears to me that this has been set up for another sequel. If so, I look forward to more stories in Catalinc Station.

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