Third Week Challenge Winner!

Joe Martin, taking it to the streets of Las Vegas.  Like a delm!

Joe Martin:  Liad in Las Vegas!!!

Joe Martin: Liad in Las Vegas!!!

All challenge winners receive a coupon for a Baen ebook of their choice.

You may view all the entries for Week Three by clicking this link.

You may view all the entries for Week Two by clicking this link.

You may view all the entries for Week One by clicking this link.

Many thanks to everyone who rose to last week’s challenge to display their Inner Delm.  The next challenge period begins tomorrow, Monday, September 7, when we hope to see you Doing It Like A Delm.

Challenge rules may be found by clicking this link.

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We have a winner for the second week challenge!

Brian Davis and Ironsides reveal their Cunning Plan for conquest in the name of the Tree-and-Dragon.

Brian Davis: Relaxing like a Delm with Centurian Tank “Ironsides” while showing the Tree and Dragon. It’s all part of Plan B.

Brian Davis: Relaxing like a Delm with Centurian Tank “Ironsides” while showing the Tree and Dragon. It’s all part of Plan B.

You may view all the entries for Week Two by clicking this link.

You may view all the entries for Week One by clicking this link.

Many thanks to everyone who rose to last week’s challenge to display their Inner Delm.  The next challenge period begins tomorrow, Monday, August 31, when we hope to see you Doing It Like A Delm.

Challenge rules may be found by clicking this link.

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And the winner is!

Jennifer McGaffey and Lt. Colonel Michael P. Anderson give the Dragon a hand in Spokane.  Jennifer will be awarded a coupon for a free Baen ebook of her choice.

Jennifer McGaffey: I and Lt Col Anderson, at Sasquan, doin' it like a delm.

Jennifer McGaffey: I and Lt Col Anderson, at Sasquan, doin’ it like a delm.

You may view all the entries for Week One by clicking this link.

Thanks to everyone who rose to the challenge last week, and showed their Inner Delm.  The next challenge period begins tomorrow, Monday, August 24, when we hope to see you Doing It Like A Delm.

Challenge rules may be found by clicking this link.

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Do it Like a Delm Week One

The photos are starting to come in for the Do it Like a Delm Challenge.

Here’s your link to the gallery for the Week of August 17.

Remember that the best of each week’s photos will receive a coupon from Baen good for one free ebook of the winner’s choice.

So!  Where’s your picture, hmmmm?

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Liaden Universe® Challenge!

Now that there’s new Liaden Universe® gear, not to mention two! new! books! out loose in the world causing who knows what havoc and consternation, Steve and I said, What the heck; let’s have a contest.

We are therefore announcing the DO IT LIKE A DELM contest. Here’s what you have to do to play:

Take a picture (a selfie, or ask a friend to help you out) of yourself, wearing your cool! new! Liaden gear, in. . .a bookstore. . .at WorldCon. . .in a hang-glider. . .at the top of Mount Washington. . .swimming with dolphins. . .at a family picnic — you see where we’re going with this, right? Right.

What’s that you say? You don’t have any cool! new! Liaden gear?

We got you covered.

You may also play by taking a picture of you and one of the two! new! books just out from Baen — those being Drago...

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Test, test, test

Sprite trying Steve's slippers on for size.

Sprite trying Steve’s slippers on for size.

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Book Day!

oday is the Official Release Day for the trade paper edition of A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume III, a collection of one dozen previously-published Liaden Universe® stories.

Table of Contents:
Authors’ Foreword
Code of Honor
Guaranteed Delivery
Intelligent Design
Out of True
Roving Gambler
King of the Cats
Kin Ties
The Rifle’s First Wife
The Space at Tinsori Light
Landed Alien
Moon’s Honor
Quick Working Glossary

Art by Stephen Hickman

Art by Stephen Hickman

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Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 110

It’s All About the Clothes — Liaden Tshirts and More!
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller have teamed up with Outworld Designs to bring you — yes, you! — Liaden Universe® tshirts, polos, and denim shirts.  Here’s the link to the search page. Click on the thumbnail to see the whole shirt, and to pre-order the items of your choice.
Signed Copies of Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 3
The deadline for pre-ordering personalized copies of this upcoming collection has passed, but!  you can still pre-order signed copies. Uncle Hugo’s also has signed copies of many other Lee-and Miller, and Lee, titles.  Here’s your link to pre-order and to browse other volumes.
RavenCon, Here We Come!
Miller and Lee will be Writer Guests of Honor at RavenCon, April 29-May 1, 2016, in Williamsburg, VA!  Here’...
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Dragon in Exile loose upon the world, a bestseller

Supported by a well attended East Coast book tour by the authors, Dragon in Exile, the 18th Liaden Universe® novel, was published in hardcover and audio book editions June 2, 2015, and is now available in those formats as well in multiple ebook formats.

After less than a week on sale, Neilsen Bookscan rankings showed Dragon in Exile as the #3 hardback science fiction book during release week, and over-all the #9 SF book in US markets. The mass market edition of Dragon in Exile is set for publication next June, while the next Sharon Lee & Steve Miller release to hit the shelves will be Liaden Universe® Constellation Number Three, due in stores August 4, 2015.

Alliance of Equals, the sequel to Dragon in Exile and the next scheduled Liaden novel, is also slated for publication in the summer...

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Dragon in Exile as an ebook, and other news

The kindle edition of Dragon in Exile, the eighteenth novel of the Liaden Universe®, created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is now on sale.  Here’s your link.

The arrival of the kindle edition means that reviews are open at  If you read the eArc, or if you are so moved after you read the eBook, please leave a reader review. Reviews help move the Amazon ranking numbers.

Also, also!  You may, of course, buy Dragon in Exile in every ebook format in the Known Universe from Baen ebooks. So even if you don’t have a kindle, you can still buy the ebook today.  Here’s your link.

And!  For those who may have missed it yesterday, “Chimera,” a Liaden Universe® short story, is available to read for free at  Here’s your link.

Additonally, new chapters of the ol...

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