Tree-and-Dragon Half-Price Sale!

Need Liaden Gear? Of course you do! Offworld Designs has a 50% off sale on all Tree-and-Dragon t-shirts, polo shirts, denim (black and blue), AND! the ever-popular Tree-and-Dragon coffee mug:

Here’s your link.

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Mark your calendars!

It’s official: Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be guests of honor at Albacon 2020.
Sept. 11-13, 2020.

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Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 123: The Lance Edition

Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 123: The Lance Edition

For those who indulge, the eARC of ACCEPTING THE LANCE, the the 22nd Liaden Universe® novel, created and co-written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is now available from eARCs are electronic Advance Reading Copies; they will contain errors of formatting, grammar, and perhaps even spelling. However! There will be no major changes to the story between it and the final book, which will be available in All Its Perfection on December 3.

Here is your link to the eARC edition of ACCEPTING THE LANCE:

A SPOILER DISCUSSION PAGE has been opened at for those who have read . . .LANCE and want to talk about it...

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Signed Copies of Accepting the Lance Available for Pre-Order NOW!

The Uncle has spoken, to wit:

People have been asking all year when they will be able to order signed copies of the next Liaden novel by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Accepting the Lance ($25.00, expected early December), and you can get your copy personalized if you order by November 10.  We’ve just arranged to also have signed copies of two Liaden novelettes in trade paperback, Adventures in the Liaden Universe #28: Fortune’s Favor ($8.00, expected by mid-September) and Adventures in the Liaden Universe #29: Shout of Honor ($10.00, expected by mid-September).  These will be signed but not personalized.  If you wish to order all 3 Liaden books, we can either send the trade paperbacks right away (with a $6.00 shipping charge) and the hardcover in December (with another $6...

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SPOILER Discussion Accepting the Lance

This space is provided as a service to the eARC-reading community.  If you have read the eARC of Accepting the Lance by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, and you want to Talk About It, please do so here.



Back slowly away.  Do NOT read the comments.

Everybody else — go for it.

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eARC edition of Accepting the Lance now available

For those who indulge, the eARC edition of Accepting the Lance, the 22nd Liaden Universe® novel, created and co-written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is now available.  eARCs are electronic Advance Reading Copies; they will contain errors of formatting, grammar, and perhaps even spelling.  However!  There will be no major story changes between it and the final book, which will be available in All Its Perfection on December 3.

Here is your link to the eARC edition of Accepting the Lance.

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Accepting the Lance

Just a reminder that! Accepting the Lance, the twenty-second novel in the long-running and much-feted Liaden Universe® created and co-written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, will be published in hardcover and ebook editions*on December 3, 2019.

Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore will once again be taking pre-orders for signed and/or personalized copies.  The order page will go live after Labor Day.

We know from the volume of email we’re getting that there’s a lot of pent-up demand for this title.  No, sorry, we cannot “push for an earlier release**,” nor are we open to “selling our draft.”  Waiting is, and patience definitely is.  December will happen soon enough.

However!  We have heard from an early reader of the book and we thought it only fair to share her reaction to it, so here you are:

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New Liaden Universe® Story Upcoming

“Dark Secrets,” a brand-new Liaden Universe® story will appear in Infinite Stars: Dark Frontiers coming from Titan Books in November.  Contributing authors include:  C.J. Cherryh, Brenda Cooper, Tanya Huff, Susan R. Matthews, Seanan McGuire, Jack Campbell — and more!  Edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt.

Here’s a press release, revealing all the contributing authors.

Link to preorder from BN.

Link to preorder from Amazon.

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Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume 4

Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume 4 is now available in paper and ebook editions from your favorite bookstore.

If your favorite bookstore happens to be Amazon, please know that they do have both editions for sale, but they are for sale from different catalog pages.

Here are the pertinent links:

Link to the Kindle edition

Link to the paper edition

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REVISED News regarding Constellation Four preorders

REVISED NEWS you can use for folks who pre-ordered signed and/or personalized copies of Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume Four from Uncle Hugo’s!
The books sent out by the warehouse realized that they had been conditioned to do the will of Those Other Than Themselves, and went rogue.
As of this typing, the books have been re-acquired and brought back to a sense of proper unity and purpose.
However! They had strayed quite far from their mandated path before re-acquisition, and will therefore not raise the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory here in Maine until — next Wednesday.
Steve and I apologize for the delay, though as far as I can tell, there wasn’t anything we could have done to be certain it never occurred.
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