Here’s what you need to know.
Splinter Universe Presents! a collection of outtakes, thought experiments, and partial (some very partial) stories and novels, will be published as an ebook from, Amazon, BN, Kobo, Apple, and all the rest of the Usual Suspects on Thursday, April 16. A paper edition of this book will be available through Amazon only.
Please note that, while the ebook price of $4.25 has not changed, the price of the paper edition is $10 — $2 over our usual paper edition price of $8. This is because Splinter Universe Presents! is a big book, by Pinbeam Books standards — 230+/- pages, and because paper costs more than electrons.
Here is the sell copy:
Splinter Universe Presents!
Something a little bit different
What this collection is–it’s Something A Little Bit Diffe...