I DARE Liaden Tshirts available for preorder NOW!

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, working in partnership with Offworld Designs, offers for preorder, starting right now, a new edition of the classic Liaden Universe® tshirt.

For those who want to order NOW, here’s your link.

Continuing, for those who want the Rest of the Story…

The short sleeved shirts are offered in unisex (men) and women’s styles, in your choice of black shirt with pink message, or pink shirt with black message.  In addition, in reply to popular demand, we are also offering a long-sleeve black tee with pink message.

The first Liaden Universe® tshirts were offered to fans by the authors in 1997.  Since then, there have been several runs of tshirts, each with a different slogan.  The tshirt previous to this one — DRAGON IN EXILE — was licensed in 2015, by Offworld Designs...

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Liaden Universe® Awards and Honors

So, I’m updating the List of Honors received by the Liaden books, because with one thing and another thing, and that thing over there, dammit — I’d gotten behind on recordkeeping.

Over 300,000 Liaden books in print — this was in April last year, but the best number I have.

13 National Bestsellers:
Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume I
Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume II
Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume III
Ghost Ship
Necessity’s Child
Trade Secret
Dragon Ship
Dragon in Exile
Mouse and Dragon
Agent of Change
The Gathering Edge
Accepting the Lance

One USA Today Bestseller: Saltation

22 Locus Bestsellers — that’s 22 titles, not weeks on the list

Balance of Trade, Hal Clement Award 2005
Scout’s Progress, Prism Award #1 2002
Local Custom, Prism Award #2 2002

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Update on paper edition: Splinter Universe Presents!

Paper edition folk, be of good heart! My dialog with Amazon has born fruit! And you — yes, you! — may order the paper edition of Splinter Universe Presents! now.
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Splinter Universe Presents! Amazon editions may be delayed

An addendum to this post regarding the publication of Splinter Universe Presents!

Amazon has written to say the content of Splinter Universe Presents! is freely available on the web (which it is not), and that I must Prove I haven’t stolen it. I have replied. However, this may put Amazon publication back. We will publish on schedule with the other ebook vendors, including Baen, BN, Kobo, Apple &c.

Paper edition fanciers — I cannot tell you when — or if — a paper edition will become available.  Watch this space.

The authors and Pinbeam Books are very sorry for this snafu.

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Splinter Universe Presents Publishing Thursday!

Here’s what you need to know.

Splinter Universe Presents! a collection of outtakes, thought experiments, and partial (some very partial) stories and novels, will be published as an ebook from Baen.com, Amazon, BN, Kobo, Apple, and all the rest of the Usual Suspects on Thursday, April 16.  A paper edition of this book will be available through Amazon only.

Please note that, while the ebook price of $4.25 has not changed, the price of the paper edition is $10 — $2 over our usual paper edition price of $8.  This is because Splinter Universe Presents! is a big book, by Pinbeam Books standards — 230+/- pages, and because paper costs more than electrons.

Here is the sell copy:

Splinter Universe Presents!
Something a little bit different
What this collection is–it’s Something A Little Bit Diffe...

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Carpe Diem Book Day!

Y’all know what today is, right?


It’s Book Day! Carpe Diem by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller in an all-new paperback edition, with brand-new cover art by David Mattingly!

Carpe Diem was the third Liaden Universe® novel EVER published, appearing. . .

First! as a Del Rey mass market original in October 1989, cover art by Stephen Hickman.

Second! as part of the three-novel compilation, Partners in Necessity, in February 2000, cover art by Michael Herring.

Third! as a mass market from Ace Books, in February 2003, cover art by Michael Herring.

Fourth! as part of two-novel compilation, The Agent Gambit, from Baen Books, in January 2011, cover art by Alan Pollack.

Fifth! as a mass market paperback from Baen Books, today, February 25 2020, cover art by David Mattingly.

That’s 31 years of acti...

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News you can use

The latest Liaden Universe® InfoDump has been posted here.

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Important Announcement RE Boskone

SHORT FORM: Sharon and Steve will NOT be attending Boskone this year; nor will they be taking part of the festivities at NarniaCon. We’re very sorry, and we will miss everyone.
LONG FORM: In this week’s Medical Lottery, Sharon won a biopsy at the Bangor Cancer Center on February 12. Those who have been following along at home will recall that Sharon also has a Stupid Immune System. Because of the uncertainty surrounding the results of the biopsy, she wishes to stay as healthy as she physically can be, should she need to return to the Cancer Center for an intervention. Conventions are notoriously germ-filled, and she has chosen not to risk contracting con crud, or – worse – this year’s version of the flu.
Steve has chosen to stay...
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Lee and Miller Boskone Schedule

As previously advertised, Steve and I will be at Boskone.  In addition to our Duties to the Con, listed below, we are pleased to be Guests of Honor at NarniaCon, the convention-within-the-convention, run out of the coat check closet, naturally enough, in the Westin.  This year, NarniaCon will be hosting a scavenger hunt based on the game of Clue.

FRIDAY, February 14

Fandom 2.0: Being a Good Fan
Panel: 4:00 – 4:50, Marina 3 (Westin)
Modern fandom has developed a wonderfully interconnected network, with instant access to authors, fellow fans, and fan communities around the world. This instant connectivity is neither good nor bad, but it can be used in ways that harm as well as help...

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Trader’s Leap Composite Cover

This just in!

The front cover for Trader’s Leap, just like you’ll see it on bookstore shelves, at the end of the year.

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