Liaden Universe® InfoDump #136
1 Diviner’s Bow Preorders: Instructions from the Uncle
2 Diviner’s Bow eARC Available
3 Sea Wrack and Changewind Audio
4 Sea Wrack and Changewind Ebook and Paper
5 New Short Story on Splinter Universe
6 Ribbon Dance Audio
7 Deadline for Next Liaden Novel
8 Convention and Other Appearances
The instructions appear here exactly as I received them. They also appeared in the lastest “How’s Business,” Uncle Hugo’s newsletter. If you require further guidance, please contact UncleHugoATaolDOTcom
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Visit the Lee & Miller Patreon page now
“Back in December I sent the guy who manages the website information about 3 forthcoming signed hardcovers and asked him to get them onto the website by early January so that people could start ordering them in advance, but he has been having health issues and isn’t sure when he’ll get the books listed.
“The three signed books are
1) Demon Daughter by Lois McMaster Bujold ($45.00, signed numbered tipped-in signature page), the latest in the Penric series, which we expected to receive around the end of January but we received last Monday (though we received fewer than we ordered);
2) Heart of the Mountain by Larry Correia ($30.00, signed bookplate, final volume of the Saga of the Forgotten Warrior series) which we expect to receive around the first of February;
3) Diviner’s Bow by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller ($28.00, signed bookplate signed by Sharon Lee, Liaden Universe #27) which we expect to receive at the end of March.
“Fortunately, we set up a work-around many years ago for people to securely pass along their credit card information when the regular system of ordering through the website doesn’t work:
“Go to
Click “Browse Our Merchandise” on the upper left corner of the home page
On the next page, click “Submit Credit Card Information”
On the next page, “Add to Cart” the imaginary item priced at $4.00
Checkout (as a guest — the shopping basket’s software for setting up an account with password is full of bugs and seldom works correctly)
When the shopping basket forwards your “imaginary” order to me, I’ll match it up with your real order and be able to process the real order. (This requires that you send an e-mail telling me what your real order is.)”
The electronic Advance Reading Copy of Diviner’s Bow, the 27th novel in the Liaden Universe® created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is now available from Baen. Here’s the link
SPOILER SPACE: For those who wish to Talk About Diviner’s Bow with others who have read the novel, without spoiling it for those who are waiting until the release date in April, here’s the link to the author-provided spoiler discussion space
DIVINER’S BOW HARDCOVER AND EBOOK will release from Baen on April 1.
The audio editon of Sea Wrack and Changewind, by Sharon Lee, which collects all of the Archers Beach short works, is available from Tantor Media, narrated by Alex Picard. Here’s the link
SEA WRACK AND CHANGEWIND EBOOK and PAPER may be purchased at your favorite vendor (that does include Amazon and Baen). This “universal link” is provided as a courtesy
Stories included are: “Emancipated Child,”, “How Nathan Archer Came to be a Prince of the Land of the Flowers,” “The Gift of Music,” “The night don’t seem so lonely,” “Will-o’-the-Wisp,” “The Wolf ‘s Bride,” “The Road to Pomona’s,” “The Vestals of Midnight,” and “Wolf in the Wind.” The author’s foreword is original to this volume.
“Core Values,” regarding the case of Geritsi slentAlin, who appears in Liaden Universe® novels, Trader’s Leap, Ribbon Dance, and Diviner’s Bow, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is now on Splinter Universe, where those who have an interest may read it.
Those who have an interest may also donate, to the story, to the site, to the Coon Cat Food Bank, or to the author. A donation is not required to read the story.
Tantor has acquired the right to produce the audio edition of Ribbon Dance, which will be narrated by Alex Picard. Publication date is August 12. Mark your calendars.
DEADLINE: The deadline for the 28th novel in the Liaden Universe®, title TBA, is April 15 2026. NOTE: This is the date that the book is to be turned in to the publisher, NOT the publication date.
Sharon has no plans to travel in the immediate future.
Sites of Interest:
Lee and Miller Patreon Support Page
Pinbeam Books: an online catalog, with vendor links, to all Lee-and-Miller, Miller, and Lee self-published works
Splinter Universe: features outtakes, splinters, oddities from the Lee&Miller writing career, currently changes irregularly.
Welcome to Liad: The official homepage for Liaden Universe® news
Facebook Connections:
Steve Miller Memorial Page
Sharon on BlueSky
Sharon on Xitter
This InfoDump is a product of the Liaden Universe®, accept no imitations. You have received this message because you asked for it. If you wish to subscribe to the Liaden Universe® email list, to unsubscribe from the Liaden Universe® email list, or to change your delivery email address, go here
* * *
Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 135
In this issue:
1 Steven Richard Miller 1950-2024
2 The future of the Liaden Universe®
3 Double Vision and Trade Lanes
4 Salvage Right mass market
5 All things Ribbon Dance: eARC, spoiler space, reviews, Uncle Hugo’s preorder, hardcover and ebook release
6 The Small Print: Sites of Interest, Blogs & Other Webly Things of Note, Facebook Connections, Xitter, Bluesky
For those who may have missed the news, Steve died very suddenly at home on February 20, 2024.
Link to his obituary on
Link to his obituary on File 770
For those who would like to share their memories of Steve, and the ways in which he may have touched their lives, there is a celebration page here
Sharon does intend to continue writing in the Liaden Universe®, at least to fulfill the three books still under contract. Those books will appear under the byline of Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.
Steve was not quite finished with his clean-up pass of Double Vision when he left us. Sharon will finish that project as she has time, and will let the world know when it’s ready for preorder.
Trade Lanes was left in a state of disarray. Sharon is not certain that she can write this novel. Time will tell. Thank you for your understanding.
The mass market edition of Salvage Right, the 100th Lee-and-Miller collaboration, will publish on April 30, and may be preodered now from All of the Usual Suspects.
1 The eARC (electronic Advance Reading Copy) of Ribbon Dance is now available from Baen Books. Here’s the link
2 A spoiler discussion page has been set up for those folks who have read the eARC and Want To Talk About It. Here’s that link
3 If you have read the eARC, please considering sharing a review on Goodreads,, or on your social media, to help other readers decide if they want to prorder the hardcover.
4 Sharon spoke with the Uncle regarding signed copies of Ribbon Dance, and it’s been decided that signed copies WILL BE offered for preorder. The preorder page has not yet gone live, but the Webmaster has received the go-ahead, so — Watch the Skies at Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore.
5 Ribbon Dance hardcover and ebook will release on June 4. Sharon has an inquiry in to Baen regarding the audiobook release, but has not received any information as of — oh, let’s call it press time; that sounds official.
Sites of Interest:
Lee and Miller Patreon Support Page
Pinbeam Books: an online catalog, with vendor links, to all Lee-and-Miller, Miller, and Lee self-published works
Splinter Universe: features outtakes, splinters, oddities from the Lee&Miller writing career, currently changes irregularly.
Welcome to Liad: The official homepage for Liaden Universe® news
Blogs and Other Webly Things of Note:
Sharon Lee’s Blog Without a Name
Facebook Connections:
Steve Miller Memorial Page
This InfoDump is a product of the Liaden Universe®, accept no imitations. You have received this message because you asked for it. If you wish to subscribe to the Liaden Universe® email list, to unsubscribe from the Liaden Universe® email list, or to change your delivery email
address, go here