Note that the times give are Second Life time, which in Real Life is Pacific time.
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Cover reveal!
Trader’s Leap Mass Market
Those who Wait for the Mass Market Edition will be pleased to learn that Trader’s Leap, the 23rd novel in the Liaden Universe®, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, owner-operators, will be available from their favorite vendors on!
September 28 — that’s next Tuesday!
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Fair Trade available for pre-order
All the news that’s fit to print
1 The eARC of Liaden Universe® Volume Five is now available for purchase at Here’s your link.
1a LUC 5 includes these stories: Fortune’s Favors, Opportunity to Seize, Shout of Honor, Command Decision, Dark Secrets, A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom, The Gate that Locks the Tree, Preferred Seating, Ambient Conditions, Dead Men Dream, and an authors’ foreword.
1b LUC5 will be published on February 1, 2022 in trade and ebook.
1c You may preorder the trade edition from your favorite vendor*.
2 Fair Trade, the 24th novel in the Liaden Universe®, the third book detailing the adventures of Jethri Gobelyn ven’Deelin, is now available for preorder in hardcover* from the Usual Suspects. It will be published on May 3, 2022.**
2a The previous books in the Jethri arc are: ...
Read MoreWatch the Skies!
This should be available in time for the US “Holiday Season.”
Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34 contains collects the existing stories of The Bakery into one volume. Three titles are reprints — “Degrees of Separation,” “Fortune’s Favors,” “Block Party” — the fourth, “Our Lady of Benevolence,” is original to this chapbook. Also included is an Authors’ Foreword.
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BREAD ALONE availability
The ebook edition of BREAD ALONE: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is showing up at the various online vendors. At this writing, you may preoder the ebook for a November 25 delivery from Amazon, Apple, BN, Kobo; BorrowBox, Tolino, and Vivlio.
The ebook edition will be available for download in the format of your choice at on November 25.
The paper edition is on-sale NOW at Amazon — that’s all the Amazons, as far as I can tell. Here’s the US link.
In theory, the paper edition will eventually show up for sale at BN and other stores, but my information here is somewhat sketchy.
For those coming in late, here’s the blurb:
To survive, humans need air, water, a place to stand, a place to sleep, and sustenance...
Read MoreBREAD ALONE publication day!
BREAD ALONE: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34 dropped sometime around midnight.
This means that those who preordered should find the book automagically downloaded to their ereader of choice.
It also means that those who were waiting for the book to actually publish before committing may now do so at will. Here are some links to help you along:
BAEN BN Kobo Amazon Universal Link
For those coming in late, BREAD ALONE brings all of the so-called Bakery Stories into one volume. Those stories are: Degrees of Separation, Fortune’s Favors, Block Party, and Our Lady of Benevolence. Our Lady . . . is original to this book; the other three stories are reprints.
Thank you all for your support of this project, and! Happy reading!
Read MoreThe Series Hugo and the Liaden Universe®
Because there have been Questions, mostly around the fact that there was no Liaden Universe® novel published in 2021 (ref “fuck cancer”), and therefore how can the series possibly be eligible for the Series Hugo?
We checked with Appropriate Authority, so’s to be sure we weren’t Telling you Wrong, and here’s how it works:
First, you must have been a member of ChiCon8, the 80th World Science Fiction Convention, on or before January 31, 2022 in order to nominate works for the Hugo Ballot. OR You must have been a member of DisCon III, the 79th WorldCon.
Second, if you meet the above stipulation, you have until March 15 to nominate. Only members of ChiCon8 may vote on the final ballot.
Third, Specific to the Series Hugo: The Liaden Universe® is already established as eligible for this a...
Read MoreObligatory Hugo Eligibility Post
Lee and Miller published a couple things in 2021 which we would like you to bear in mind while nominating. They are:
Unless otherwise noted, all works are as by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
“Standing Orders,” Derelict, Zombies Need Brains, July 2021 (5,775 words)
“From Every Storm a Rainbow,” (link to free story) December 2021 (7,957 words)
“Our Lady of Benevolence,” Bread Alone: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34, Pinbeam Books, November 2021 (14,500 words)
“Dead Men Dream,” Change State: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 32, Pinbeam Books, March 2021 (19,800 words)
The Liaden Universe® currently includes 23 published novels, and dozens of short stories. The very first Liaden Universe® novel, Agent of Change, was ...