And that’s a wrap

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A Novel of the Liaden Universe®
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
August 5, 2023
Approximately 133,000 words

One comment to And that’s a wrap

  • Paul A. Hann  says:

    I extend my best wishes to Sharon Lee. Steve Miller was part of a great SF team, my favorite SF authors of all times. I have been reading SF since I was a teenager, I am 76 now.

    Should Sharon Lee or other authors try to continue this great series of SF stories, I send them my support. There was a rather great series of short stories written by many different authors. It was the War World stories, as “Revolt on War World” in the Co-dominion Universe created by Jerry Pournelle. It might be possible to pursue something like that for the Liaden Universe.

    I would suggest a story to find out what happened to Stost and Chernak, were they able to deliver their documents in two cases. In the Gathering Edge they were rescued by Theo, a really hard thing to do. Their orders had been, “Pathfinders, we have a mission from Third Corps Headquarters, specifically for you. You are to retrieve particular items, transport and preserve them, not merely from the Enemy, but from destruction. There are travel orders, here – cash and gems, there are passes…”. “You will survive, and you will become the troop where you arrive, pledging your services to established civilian authorities, …”

    But what happened to these “particular items”?


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