Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 23

Change Management:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 23, has been uploaded and is publishing (in the case of Amazon, has published) to Amazon, Baen ebooks, BN/Nook, Kobo, iBooks, 24Symbols, Page Foundry, Scribd, and Tolino, so expect to be able to purchase it from those vendors within the next 72 hours or so.

Here’s the blurb for the book:

Times are perilous, violence rife, and the future uncertain. Success and the survival of all you hold dear may hinge on how you manage change.

Some people advise that we “Embrace Change!” Other people realize that change has edges, and if you embrace it the wrong way, it may feel a lot more like a knife than a bromide when it touches your guts.

Here are two Lee and Miller stories set in the Liaden Universe®, “Street Cred,” original to thi...

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LINK TO Gathering Edge Spoiler Discussion

If you’ve read the eArc of The Gathering Edge, and you want to talk about it, there is a spoiler discussion topic on sharonleewriter.  This a moderated venue, so it will take some time for your comment to appear.  Do Not Despair if it does not show up immediately.  All will be well in the fullness of time.

Here’s your link to the Spoiler Discussion

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Gathering Edge eArc now available for download

The Gathering Edge, the twentieth novel-length Adventure in the Liaden Universe®, and! the direct sequel to Dragon Ship, which makes it the fifth book in the Theo Waitley arc —

Is now available as an eArc, directly from Baen.

Here’s your link

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List of Eligible Lee&Miller and Lee works 2016

I see by my inbox that we have now entered SciFi Silly Season.  Here, in one handy list, are all eligible Lee and Miller, and Lee, works, published in 2016.

Alliance of Equals, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, novel, Baen Books, July 2016
“Wise Child,” Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, novelette,, June 2016
“Friend of a Friend,” Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, novelette, Sleeping with the Enemy, Pinbeam Books, July 2016
“Shame the Devil,” Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, short story, Alien Artifacts, Zombies Need Brains, August 2016

“The Wolf’s Bride,” Sharon Lee, novelette, Splinter Universe, January 2016
“Will-o’-the-wisp,” Sharon Lee, short story, Splinter Universe, January 2016

And! Lest I forget — which I almost did:  Lee and Miller’s long-running Liaden Universe® is eligible for the Best ...

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Yule Present 2016

The Gathering Edge
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
©2016 by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

Orbital Aid 370


The radioed message from Stost was clear, while sound from outside their suits was muddied and muffled. There was still atmosphere here, for what that was worth. There were also odd vibrations, and strange sounds too, here in the crew quarter zone, the most worrisome being a continuous scratch-scratch-scratch. It was best, Chernak assured herself, not to think too closely on it. After all, they were just passing through.

There was another sound — familiar, even companionable — the sound of breathing not her own, coming through her headset. She concentrated on that, even as she observed the passage they moved down, alert for threats, for traps, for —

The way ahead was b...

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Day Seven Winner

The winner of the seventh and last available MP3 edition of Liaden Universe® novel Dragon in Exile by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, narrated by Kevin T. Collins is!

Number 36, Sheryl Kolar of Greater Cleveland

Number 36 prevailed against a field of 86.  We will release the Sekrit Identity if we receive permission to do so.

Congratulations! to Sheryl Kolar and all the winners!

Thanks very much to everyone who took part in the game!

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Day Six Winner

Eighty-eight valiant pilgrims threw their names into the hat to win one of two remaining copies of the MP3 edition of Dragon in Exile, a novel of the Liaden Universe®, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, narrated by Kevin T. Collins.

The winner, by random drawing, was!

Number 72, which would also be Tina Black
of Kansas City, Kansas

Alert readers of this blog will have deduced that there is

only one more book remaining from the original pile of seven.

Yep, today is your Absolute Last Chance to enter your name into the drawing to win that last MP3 edition of Dragon in Exile.

Entries are accepted ONLY at  Flailing about on the internet randomly posting wishes to win do nothing for your chances of actually winning.

Here is the link to the Rules.  Read the Rules...

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Day Five Winner

Number Seventeen is the winner of the fifth available copy of the MP3 edition of Liaden Universe® novel Dragon in Exile, written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, and narrated by Kevin T. Collins.

Congratulations Number 17, whose secret identity is
Terrie Adams of Richmond MO

There are only two more of these audiobooks left.  Two more chances for you to win.  Remember! Every day is a new day, and you must play every day to win.  Entries for Wednesday are only counted on Wednesday.  When Thursday comes, we start again.

Here’s your link to the rules.  The rules say what they mean.  There is only one email address where valid entries are collected.  Any other postings expressing your desire to win are only so much shouting.

Good luck.

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Day Four Winner

The winner of the fourth of an original seven MP3 editions of Dragon in Exile by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is, I kid you not!

Number 42, Steph Leif of San Diego, California!

Can I get a hearty round of applause for the lucky winner, please!

So! The arithmetically adept among you will have deduced that there are only three of these wonderful talking books left to give away.

You want one.  You know you want one.  And the only chance you have is by throwing your name into the metaphorical Liaden chapeau.

Where is this stylish head covering located, you ask?  How can I enter my name?

Here are the rules.  Read the rules.  Understand the rules.  Become One with the rules.  Do not second-guess the rules or believe that you know better than the rules.

Everybody good?


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Day Three Winner

One hundred thirty readers threw their names into the hat correctly for a chance to win a copy of the MP3 edition of Liaden Universe® novel Dragon in Exile, written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, narrated by Kevin T. Collins.

And the winner is!

Number 30, known to close friends as Lee Anderson, of Connecticut.

Let’s have a round of applause for the lucky winner!

We’ve now given away three out of a field of seven prizes.  That means you — yes, you! and you over there, too! still have four chances to win.  But there’s a catch.

Lean in close and I’ll tell you what it is.


You have to play to win.

What’s that?  You don’t know how to play?

Here’s your link to the rules.

Please note that, if you choose to play a variant game, which does not follow these rules as they are lain out — yo...

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