Update: Signed Constellation IVs from Uncle Hugo

News for those who pre-ordered signed and/or personalized copies of Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume Four from Uncle Hugo’s.

UPS tells us that five cases of this title will land on our doorstep tomorrow, Wednesday, May 29, sometime before 8 pm.

Steve and I will sign and/or personalize these books as quickly as we can without breaking a leg, or a wrist.

When we have finished signing the books, we will put them on a UPS truck to Minneapolis, so the Uncle can take care of the hard part of this transaction:  charging credit cards, and packing and shipping books.

We are at this point shooting for Friday as the day we will place the five cases of books on the UPS truck.  We would like that; it’s our goal.  But it may come about that the books will not leave us until Monday...

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New Liaden Universe® Chapbook available for preorder

Shout of Honor:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 29 is now available for pre-order from Amazon, BN, Kobo, Apple Books. Eventually, it will be available at Baen.com, Tolino, Baker & Taylor, Scribd, Google Books, and all the others that I’m forgetting right now.

Publication date is May 15.

Things you should know about this book!

  1.  The chapbook contains one novella, “Shout of Honor,”  which is a brand new story, never before published.
  2. In order to offset the rising costs of production, fees, and cat food, Steve and I have taken the painful step of increasing the cover price of our Pinbeam Books ebooks, to $4.25, starting with this title.  The price of our backlist books will remain the same, going forward, Pinbeam Books eChapbooks will be priced at $4.25.
  3. As has become our cust...
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Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 122

Getcher Red Hot Signed Copies of Liaden Universe® Constellation IV!

Liaden Universe® Constellation IV will be published on June 3.

You may now pre-order signed and/or personalized copies of Liaden
Universe® Constellation IV from Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore.

Here’s your link.

For the purposes of this discussion “signed” means “the authors will
write their names on the half-title.”  “Personalized” means “the authors
will write their names on the half-title *and* a short inscription of
your choice.”  Note:  The authors reserve the right to refuse a
particular personalization if they should find it offensive for any
reason.  The authors’ judgement in this may not be appealed.  Should the
authors refuse a personalization, they will still — and only — sign
their na...

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Shameless Self Promotion

You may now pre-order signed and/or personalized copies of Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume Four from Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore.  Here’s your link.  For the purposes of this discussion “signed” means “the authors will write their names on the half-title.”  “Persoanlized” means “the authors will write their names on the half-title and a short inscription of your choice.”  Note:  The authors reserve the right to refuse a particular personalization if they should find it offensive for any reason.  The authors’ judgement in this may not be appealed.  Should the authors refuse a personalization, they will still — and only — sign their names.

Fortune’s Favors: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 28 is on sale as an ebook at Baen, BN, Apple, and a host of others...

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Those following along at home will recall that some Kindle users, after downloading Fortune’s Favors, found that the Kindle had helpfully opened the book to “Interludes,” which those readers quite reasonably understood to be the first chapter of the book, and so started reading.

In fact, “Interludes” is. . .a series of interludes that take place between Chapter One and Two*.  I could not replicate this error, either on my own Kindle app or on Amazon’s publishing tool on-site.  I therefore wrote to Amazon, asking them to fix the error which they had clearly generated.

I have this morning received Amazon’s reply, which I reproduce below in its entirety.

Hello Sharon,

I hope this email finds you well!

I checked the uploaded and converted content files of your eBook and can 
confirm t...
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Kindle Readers: Head’s Up!

Readers of Fortune’s Favors in KINDLE: There’s a formatting error I can’t replicate in my Kindle app, or with Amazon’s own preview tool (so I can’t, yanno, FIX it). If your book opens at “Interludes,” that is effectively the second chapter. Chapter one — titled FORTUNE’S FAVORS/ONE — has been placed in the Table of Contents under “Front Matter” (none of my tools display an over-section called “Front Matter”).

I’ve written to Amazon support, since clearly this is their problem, and hopefully they will fix it soon.

In the meantime, if your book opens at “Interludes,” page back until you get to “FORTUNE’S FAVORS/ONE,” and you’ll get the whole story.

I’m sorry for the error, obviously, but I really don’t see how I could have prevented it.

Or even guessed it was there.

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Fortune’s Favors Live Today!

Here are a few good links to help you along.

You may purchase ebooks from these fine vendors, among others:
Baen Books:  Here’s your link
Angus & Robertson:  Here’s your link
BN:  Here’s your link
Kobo:  Here’s your link
Apple:  Here’s your link
ScribdHere’s your link

You may purchase an ebook OR a paper copy from:
Amazon:  Here’s your link


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Links and Snippet Fortune’s Favors

So! Amazon has let the paper edition of Fortune’s Favors out into the wild early.  If you order it today, you can have it in your hands, it says here, on Wednesday.

The electronic editions will be released on April 15; I cannot undo this, so Waiting Is.

Below is a revised list of buy-links and! for the very most patient among us, a snippet from the chapbook.


Available NOW: paper edition, from Amazon only:  here’s your link

If you want to preorder the ebook edition of Fortune’s Favors, the following vendors are alleged to be standing by for you:
Amazonhere’s your link
Angus & Robertson:  here’s your link
Applehere’s your link
BN/Nook:  here’s your link
Kobo:  here’s your link

©2019 Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

It was...

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Watch the skies

Fortune’s Favors:
Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 28

Is in the proofing and recompiling stage.  We hope to see it for sale, as an ebook and (from Amazon only) a paper book on-or-near April 15.  We will tell you when it can be ordered, or you can, as above, watch the skies.

Herewith, the cover and the teaser.

Are you feeling lucky?

Mar Tyn eys’Ornstahl is a lucky man. His very presence can determine the fall of a card, the spin of a wheel, or whether the bread will rise or fall.

In fact, Mar Tyn eys’Ornstahl isn’t merely lucky. Mar Tyn is a Luck; a focal point for the elemental force of random event. While most people think that there is good luck and bad, Mar Tyn knows better. Luck is Luck; only the aftermath of Luck’s presence can be found to be good or bad.

Mar Tyn’s Luck, ...

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Neogenesis Mass Market Book Day!

Y’all know what today is, right?


Today is the day that those brave and determined souls who hold out for the mass market paperback finally get to hold Neogenesis in their hands!

Good reading, O! Brave and Determined.

. . .Hey, I’ve got an idea!  Why don’t we all read Neogenesis today, in solidarity?

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