Cover reveal!
Derelict now available for preorder
Derelict, edited by David B. Coe and Joshua Palmatier is now available for preorder from the Kindle store. All stories are original to this anthology.
Here’s the Table of Contents:
“Symbiote” by Kristine Smith
“The Wreck of the Sarah Mohr” by D.B. Jackson
“The Tempest in Space” by Griffin Ayaz Tyree
“Playing Possum” by Andrija Popovic
“Standing Orders” by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
“Time, Yet” by Gerald Brandt
“Flight Plans Through the Dust of Dreams” by Kit Harding
“Saving Sallie Ruth” by Gini Koch writing as Anita Ensal
“Methuselah” by Jacey Bedford
“Celestial Object 143205” by Mark D. Jacobsen
“Mercy for the Lost” by Jana Paniccia
“When the Star Fell and the Levee Broke” by Alex Bledsoe
“Derelict of Duty” by Chaz Brenchley
“Two Ruins ...
Note that the times give are Second Life time, which in Real Life is Pacific time.
Read MoreTrader’s Leap audiobook now available!
Now hear this! TRADER’S LEAP is now available from Audible. We know that there are a lot of people waiting for this edition; your patience is finally rewarded.
Read MoreTOC Reveal!
Table of Contents for Derelict, coming in June from Zombies Need Brains
“Symbiote” by Kristine Smith
“The Wreck of the Sarah Mohr” by D.B. Jackson
“The Tempest in Space” by Griffin Ayaz Tyree
“Playing Possum” by Andrija Popovic
“Standing Orders” by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
“Time, Yet” by Gerald Brandt
“Flight Plans Through the Dust of Dreams” by Kit Harding
“Saving Sallie Ruth” by Gini Koch writing as Anita Ensal
“Methuselah” by Jacey Bedford
“Celestial Object 143205” by Mark D. Jacobsen
“Mercy for the Lost” by Jana Paniccia
“When the Star Fell and the Levee Broke” by Alex Bledsoe
“Derelict of Duty” by Chaz Brenchley
“Two Ruins Make a Beginning” by R.Z. Held
“Orpheus” by Jack Campbell
“Decay in Five Stages” by Julie E...
Hugo nominations close March 19
News: Change State and Trader’s Leap audiobook
Change State: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 32, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, including reprint short story “Command Decision,” and brand-new novella “Dead Men Dream” is now available for download from all the usual vendors.
Here’s a link to Change State on Baen
Here’s the link to the Amazon page, including both ebook and paper editions.
Here’s a so-called “Universal Link.”
Once you have read Change State, Steve and I would take it kindly if you would review it in the venue(s) of your choice. Thank you.
In audiobook news, Steve and I have an appointment with Trade Secret’s narrator, Eileen Stevens, this Sunday evening. So, yes, there will be an audiobook, and forward motion is, er, motioning.
Read MoreChange State available for pre-order at Amazon
UPDATE: Audio edition of Trader’s Leap
All righty, then!
As previously reported, work is going forth on Change State: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 32. As of Right Now, the compiled book is out to volunteer proofreaders. We hope to have the book up for preorder by the end of next week, with a release date of March 15.
In the meantime, we have a cover!
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