FAIR TRADE eARC now available for download!

All righty, then!
The eARC of Fair Trade can now be purchased at this link.
IF you purchase the eARC and would like to participate in the Tyop Hunt (NOTE: You are never required to buy the eARC of our work, nor are you required to participate in a Tyop Hunt. Both of these actions are voluntary) — please send errors to me at rolanniATgmailDOTcom BEFORE February 2. Error reports should have include a search string that I can follow (NO page numbers will not do; we’re working from a paper PDF) AND ALSO the name you wish to be thanked under in the final edition of the book.
You do not to write to me beforehand to tell me that you are a joining the hunt.
Now, I’m going to go hunt some tyops, myself.
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FAIR TRADE signed preorders now open

For those interested in signed editions, the link to preorder signed (but NOT personalized) copies of Fair Trade is now live at Uncle Hugo’s. Here’s the link.
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Steve Miller’s Boskone 59 Schedule

Steve Miller will be a virtual panelist at Boskone 59, February 18-20.  Boskone 59 is a Hybrid Convention this year.

Steve’s schedule is below.  All times are Eastern Standard.

VIRTUAL: Unhappy Endings Format: Panel
18 Feb 2022, Friday 8pm – 8:50pm, Marina IV (Westin)
Jane Yolen, Steve Miller, Julie Czerneda, Paul Di Filippo (M), Ada Palmer

Tragic plays from Shakespeare, Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides are still with us … hundreds, even thousands of years later. Not all stories let the protagonist triumph — sometimes they lose; sometimes they even die losing. Some science fiction and fantasy writers’ unhappily ending stories are quite popular. Why do they succeed? Why do other such stories fail — even fail so hard their authors never try to write unhappily ever after?


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Obligatory Hugo Eligibility Post

Lee and Miller published a couple things in 2021 which we would like you to bear in mind while nominating.  They are:

Unless otherwise noted, all works are as by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

“Standing Orders,” Derelict, Zombies Need Brains, July 2021 (5,775 words)

“From Every Storm a Rainbow,” Baen.com (link to free story) December 2021 (7,957 words)

“Our Lady of Benevolence,” Bread Alone: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34, Pinbeam Books, November 2021 (14,500 words)

“Dead Men Dream,” Change State: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 32, Pinbeam Books, March 2021 (19,800 words)

The Liaden Universe® currently includes 23 published novels, and dozens of short stories.  The very first Liaden Universe® novel, Agent of Change, was ...

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PSA: Who’s Writing Which for When?

Lee and Miller are under contract to Baen Books for three Liaden Universe® novels after Fair Trade, which will be published in May.  Those novels are:

1   The sequel to Fair Trade (title TBD) — Steve Miller, Lead Writer

2   Tinsori Light: The Novel (better title coming along RSN) — Sharon Lee, Lead Writer

3   A Liaden Novel to be Named Later — Sharon Lee, Lead Writer probably?  At the moment, I’m leaning toward going back to the Redlands and checking in with Padi, Tekelia, Aunt Astra, Eet, and the gang. This could change, as all things may change, and only reflect my thoughts at the moment.

For those who have been playing along at home for a long time, the above three novels complete the Triple Threat contract with Baen.

We do not at the moment have any short works under contract,...

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From Every Storm a Rainbow story link

“From Every Storm a Rainbow,” Lee and Miller’s holiday story and gift to you, our readers, has been posted to Baen.  You may read it for free from now until mid-January.

Here’s your link.

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BREAD ALONE publication day!

BREAD ALONE:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34 dropped sometime around midnight.

This means that those who preordered should find the book automagically downloaded to their ereader of choice.

It also means that those who were waiting for the book to actually publish before committing may now do so at will.  Here are some links to help you along:

BAEN       BN      Kobo       Amazon       Universal Link

For those coming in late, BREAD ALONE brings all of the so-called Bakery Stories into one volume.  Those stories are:  Degrees of Separation, Fortune’s Favors, Block Party, and Our Lady of Benevolence.  Our Lady . . . is original to this book; the other three stories are reprints.

Thank you all for your support of this project, and!  Happy reading!


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BREAD ALONE availability

The ebook edition of BREAD ALONE: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is showing up at the various online vendors.  At this writing, you may preoder the ebook for a November 25 delivery from Amazon, Apple, BN, Kobo; BorrowBox, Tolino, and Vivlio.

The ebook edition will be available for download in the format of your choice at Baen.com on November 25.

The paper edition is on-sale NOW at Amazon — that’s all the Amazons, as far as I can tell.  Here’s the US link.

In theory, the paper edition will eventually show up for sale at BN and other stores, but my information here is somewhat sketchy.

For those coming in late, here’s the blurb:

To survive, humans need air, water, a place to stand, a place to sleep, and sustenance...

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Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 128

Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 128
News from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller’s Liaden Universe® and beyond!
November 9 2021


1 BREAD ALONE: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34 will be published on November 25, 2021. BREAD ALONE collects all of the so-called “bakery” stories into one volume. The stories included are: “Degrees of Separation,” “Fortune’s Favors,” “Block Party,” and “Our Lady of Benevolence.” The first three stories are reprints – that means they have been published previously – “Our Lady . . . ” is original to this chapbook. At the time this InfoDump was put to bed, preorders were available from Amazon. The other vendors will eventually have the book in stock, but for right now, you may PREorder from Amazon ONLY. Here’s your link.

2 The Baen reiss...

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Watch the Skies!

This should be available in time for the US “Holiday Season.”

Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34 contains collects the existing stories of The Bakery into one volume.  Three titles are reprints —  “Degrees of Separation,” “Fortune’s Favors,” “Block Party” — the fourth, “Our Lady of Benevolence,” is original to this chapbook.  Also included is an Authors’ Foreword.


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