Category Convention News


The new year is coming right on down the tracks, and that means — lining up good reading for 2023 and! making travel plans.

Here are a few datapoints to help you plan.

January 3, 2023 Chicks in Tank Tops publication date.  Edited by Jason Cordova, with brand new stories from Esther Friesner, Kevin Ikenberry, Jody Lynn Nye, Joelle Presby, Marisa Wolf, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, and?  More!  No, honestly, there’s a whole lot of good reading in this book, and you don’t want to miss out.  Available from your favorite bookstore.

January 5, 2023Rembrandt’s Station by Christie Meierz releases, a happy fact that will be celebrated by a Zoom launch party on January 7.  Steve and I will be there, and hope that you will, too.  Party details here

February 17-19, 2023:  Boskone 60...

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Lee and Miller Boskone 60 Schedule

And! the Final Boskone 60 schedules have arrived.

Things you need to know about this schedule:

1   All panels are 1 hour, by which Boskone means 55 minutes.

2   Our joint reading is 25 minutes, by which Boskone means 20 minutes.

3   The above time-slips are so that the room can be cleared, and allows the next event to start on-time.

4   You will note that there is no separate “autographing” item.  Please do bring your books to the Book Party on Saturday night and we’ll bring our pens.

5   Boskone 60, February 17-19 at the Westin Boston Seaport, featuring  Nalo Hopkinson, Victo Ngai, Tui T. Sutherland, Dave Clement, Jeanette Epps.  Here’s your link

Lee and Miller’s Boskone 60 Schedule


Building Fandom and Community
Marina 2
Fri 5:30 PM
Duration: 01:00
Janice Gelb (Janice ...

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Friends of Liad Breakfast information for Boskone

For decades now, and whenever possible, Lee and Miller have hosted a Friends of Liad Breakfast during the conventions we attended.

This pleasant custom fell by the wayside due to cancer, plague, and, oh, plague.

Lee and Miller will be at Boskone in-person next week, and will be hosting a Friends of Liad breakfast at Saucity inside the Westin, on Saturday, February 18 at 8:15 am, and we hope you’ll be able to join us.

Please read the information below.

1  The Friends of Liad Breakfast is not (NOT) a convention event
2  The Friends of Liad is not (NOT) a free event

WHAT THE FOL BREAKFAST IS: An informal gathering of friends and fans of the Liaden Universe®, its characters and/or its authors (or their cats)...

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Lee and Miller Heliosphere Writer Guests of Honor

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be Writer Guests of Honor at Heliosphere, April 28-30 (only six weeks away).  Long-time Liaden cover artist, David B. Mattingly, will be Artist Guest of Honor.  Chuck Gannon is Special Guest.

We’re really looking forward to this, our 25th GOH appearance, and our first in-person GOH gig since MidSouthCon, in 2018.

We always like to attend a con, of course, but attending as guests of honor is another level of joyous commitment. GOHs are highly visible, and are honored to spend most of their time with the members of the convention.  It is, in fact, an opportunity for us to thank you, for the years of support, and your ongoing enthusiasm for our creation and our characters.

We hope to see you — all of you — at Heliosphere...

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Your input is needed!

Attention Friends of Liad, and all the ships in space …

In a few weeks Lee and Miller will be the Writer Guests of Honor at Heliosphere — we hope you’ll be there!

What’s planned? A signing, a reading, some panels … and more. We expect to have a version of a “Teddy Bear Tea” for all the traveling stuffies, too — but now the hard part: We have to decide what we’re going to read at the Lee and Miller reading!

Why is this hard, you ask? Because we only have about six million words to choose from in the Liaden stories alone, and the reading’s going to be around an hour long. We’ve already made one decision — we’ll read from the Liaden Universe® rather than from our other stories….

So, friends and fans planning on being there, what would you prefer? Should we read an entire single story? Should...

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Coming Soon to HELIOsphere

HELIOsphere is a mere 18 days in the future, and things are starting to firm up.

Steve and Sharon will be hosting a Friends of Liad Breakfast in the hotel restaurant on Saturday morning, to kick off what looks to be a busy day full of fun.

Saturday’s programming will include the Writer Guest of Honor interview — Sharon Lee and Steve Miller chatting with Kathryn Sullivan.

A little later in the day, Lee and Miller will be sitting down with Artist Guest of Honor David B. Mattingly to discuss whatever seems good  — art, maybe?  Cats, definitely.  Michael Ventrella will facilitate that discussion.

Then!  The Teddy Bear Tea in the hotel garden, where all the traveling stuffies get a chance to talk among themselves, and their humans can tell their stories to the other humans.

Saturday festivi...

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Lee and Miller HELIOsphere schedule

HELIOsphere is happening April 28 – 30, 2023 Holiday Inn Piscataway, NJ. Sharon and Steve are Writer Guests of Honor.
Here’s our schedule:

5:00 pm – 6:15 pm  – Library
Sharon and Steve read from their novelette “The Space at Tinsori Light”

6:30 pm – 7:45 pm  – Miracle Ballroom
How do you introduce new characters into existing story arcs?
Lancelot Schaubert (M), Chuck Gannon, Sharon Lee, Emily Munro, Walter Hunt
While you might be sure they belong, a misstep can unbalance a story and cloud what you’ve already written. We’ll explore approaches that allow new characters to thrive along with your story.


8:30am – Fusions Restaurant, in-hotel
Friends of Liad Breakfast
A continuing tradition: Steve and Sharon invite all Friends of Liad to join them for breakfast, where...

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To HELIOsphere and beyond!

. . .a convention report by Sharon Lee

So, along about last Wednesday Steve and I loaded up Skylark the Subaru and, after taking on breakfast at Governor’s, got on the road to New Jersey.

In keeping with our new philosophy of “Don’t Kill the Authors,” we had already decided to make the trip in two stages, staying Wednesday night at Rutland, Vermont (our next door neighbor was horrified to hear that we had actually chosen to go to Rutland, but, hey, we’re easily amused).

Having taken the decision to split the journey, it was easy go make the follow-on decision to eschew the Big Road in favor of Routes 2/4/5/7 and Bob’s your uncle.  It was a delightful drive through a New England just starting to stir toward spring.  We were escorted by daffodils, roadside waterfalls, and tender tree-buds...

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Lee and Miller’s Astronomicon Schedules

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be at Astronomicon in Rochester NY this Friday and Saturday!

Here’s Sharon’s Schedule

Here’s Steve’s Schedule

Here’s the Whole Con Schedule

We hope to see you — yes, you! — there!


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Sharon Lee’s Albacon 2024 Schedule

Albacon 2024 is being held at the Marriott Courtyard, Clifton Park, NY, September 13, 14, 15.  GOHs are Elizabeth Bear, Scott Lynch, Geri Sullivan, Cory Doctorow.

NOTE: Sharon will be attending remotely. She will NOT be physically at the con.

Sharon Lee Reading Readings (room 101) Sat 4:00 PM Duration: 00:45
Description Sharon Lee Reading from Ribbon Dance

Plotter or Pantser Meeting A Sat 5:30 PM Duration: 01:15
Description They say there are two ways to write: plotting everything out carefully, and just writing and seeing what happens to your story as you go along. Is writing really this binary? Is there a way between? What is the advantages — and disadvantages — of each method? Which are you and why?
Vikki Ciaffone (mod), Daniel M...

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