Category Celebrating Steve

Celebrating Steve Miller

Here’s a place to share your memories of Steve Miller.

Below is one of my favorite photos of Steve, with his playfulness front and center.

Picture of a man in a green denim shirt, with rainbow suspenders, camera around his neck wearing a hat, and leaning on a large route sign that says "15 END"

Steve Miller at the end of Maine State Route 15, in Stonington, Maine, October 10, 2021. Photo by Sharon Lee


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BSFS Renames Poetry Contest for Steve Miller

Before Steve was a globally acclaimed science fiction writer, he traveled in poetry, which was a thing you could actually do, back in the last century. To the best of my knowledge, he never stopped writing poetry, though he did stop trying to publish, and many people just don’t know about this side of him.
Which is why it’s especially pleasing that the Baltimore Science Fiction Society (Steve’s first and lasting home in science fiction fandom) has chosen to name its poetry award after him: Steve Miller BSFS Annual Poetry Contest.
Read all about it at File 770
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