BAD ACTORS available for pre-order
BAD ACTORS: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 33, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, published by Pinbeam Books, is now available for pre-order. Links follow the Short, Obligatory FAQ.
- YES, you will be able to purchase the ebook from Baen when it publishes, on July 31. You can’t pre-order from Baen, because they don’t do that for non-Baen books.
- YES, there will be a paper edition, eventually. Amazon does not do pre-orders of paper books which are produced through CreateSpace or whatever Amazon’s print arm is called today.
- YES, all three stories are reprints. The stories are: “Excerpts from Two Lives” (Star Destroyers, Baen, March 2018); “Dark Secrets” (Infinite Stars: Dark Frontiers, Titan, November 2019); “Revolu...