The Liaden Universe® World Tour

Back in 1998, after they had moved to Maine and seen the first death of their writing careers, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller were invited as Guests of Honor to SiliCon 3.0 in Silicon Valley.  After the organizers managed to convince the authors that, yes indeed, they did have the right authors, Lee and Miller declared SiliCon to be the First Stop on the Liaden Universe® World Tour.

Friend of Liad Angela Gradillas, who designed the Korval Tree-and-Dragon logo, worked at the time in the graphics section of a signage company.  She designed and created a World Tour Banner, which is still in use today.

Since that First Stop, many years ago, the Liaden Universe® World Tour has touched down in nearly 50 conventions, many of which have hosted Lee and Miller as Special Guests or Guests of Honor, as well as dozens of libraries and bookstores.


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The Tour is still going strong.  If you’d like to add your convention, library, bookstore, college class, etc. to the schedule, contact Steve/Sharon at liadenuniverseATgmailDOTcom

2025 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

May 23-26, 2025
BaltiCon 59
Sharon Lee, Heinlein Award Honoree/GOH

2023 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

Boskone 60
Lee and Miller panelists

Heliosphere 2023
Lee and Miller GOHs

Astronomicon 14
Lee and Miller panelists

2022 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

Philadelphia Science Fiction Society
Lee and Miller Speakers (virtual)

2021 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

AlbaCon 2021
Lee and Miller GOHs (virtual)

2020 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

ReConvene (virtual)
Lee and Miller panelists

2019 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

Boskone 56
Lee and Miller panelists

2018 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

Lee and Miller GOHs

2017 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

Lee and Miller GOHs

Lee and Miller GOHs

2016 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

Boskone 53
Lee and Miller panelists

Lee and Miller GOHs

BaltiCon 50
Lee and Miller returning GOHs

Rhode Island Comic Con

2014 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

February 14-16, 2014
Boskone 51, Boston MA
Steve Miller panelist

Books in Boothbay

PhilCon 2014
Lee and Miller, principle speakers

2013 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

February 15-17, 2013
Boskone 50, Boston MA
Lee and Miller panelists


May 31 – June 2, 2013
Book Expo America, New York City
Reception and book signing


Thursday, October 31, 7-9 pm
Pandemonium Books and Games, 4 Pleasant Street, Cambridge MA

Friday, November 1, 7-9 pm
The Toadstool Bookstore, 586 Nashua Street (Lorden Plaza), Milford NH

Saturday, November 2, 2-4 pm
Barnes and Noble, 98 Middlesex Turnpike, Burlington MA

Sunday, November 3, 1-4 pm
Annie’s Bookstop of Worcester, 65 James Street, Worcester MA

Monday, November 4, 7-9 pm
Barnes and Noble, 7 Holyoke Street, Holyoke MA

Tuesday, November 5, 7-9 pm
Flights of Fantasy, 381 Sand Creek Road, Albany NY

Wednesday, November 6, 7-9 pm
Book Trader of Hamilton, 2421 Nottingham Way, Mercerville NJ

Thursday, November 7 (be careful! there are two events today)

Noon-2 pm :
University of Pennsylvania Bookstore, 3601 Walnut at 36th Street, Philadelphia

7-9 pm:
Chester County Book Company, 967 Paoli Pike, West Chester PA

Friday, November 8 — Sunday, November 10
PhilCon, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Cherry Hill, NJ     

Sunday, November 17, 2-4 p.m.
Books-a-Million, South Portland, Maine


Saturday, December 7
Speculative Fiction Roundtable and Workshops
Sponsored by the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance

* * *

2012 Stops on the Liaden Universe® World Tour:

January 20 – 22, 2012
Chattacon 37, Chattanooga TN
Lee and Miller Writer Guests of Honor

February 17 – 19, 2012
Boskone 49, Boston, MA
Lee and Miller panelists

March 16, 2012
The Maine School of Arts and Sciences, Limestone, ME
Lee and Miller speakers. Open to the public.

April 5, 2012
Rockland Public Library, Rockland, ME
Lee and Miller speakers. Open to the public.

May 25 – 27, 2012
ConQuesT 43, Kansas City, MO
Lee and Miller Writer Guests of Honor