Chapter Three of The Wrong Lance is now available for you — yes, you! — to read.
The Wrong Lance, Chapter Three live!
Chapter One Live
Chapter One of The Wrong Lance should now be live on Splinter Universe.
This is a pre-scheduled post. For Science!
Read MoreBreaking News
Liaden Universe(R) InfoDumpling
Breaking News!
This just in from Chuck Rothman, speaking for Albacon:
Due to the ongoing issues with Covid-19 health and safety, the Albacon Committee has decided to postpone the convention until Fall of 2021. Sharon Lee and Steve Miller have agreed to attend as Guests of Honor. Memberships will roll over, but, given the situation, we will make an exception to our usual policy and give refunds on request.
1 I, Sharon Lee, representing Lee-and-Miller, will be posting the False Start of an actual novel, that novel being /Accepting the Lance/. This presents some small amount of difficulty, which will be discussed in. . .
. . ...
Read MoreNew Serial Project
Remember when I said, Oh, back in April, that I was tidying up Splinter Universe in preparation for the posting of a Very Long Splinter?
Well, the time has come to start posting. But before I do, I need to tell you a couple Things, and you need to read them.
Herewith, the Things. Please do read them.
1 I, Sharon Lee, representing Lee-and-Miller, will be posting the False Start of an actual novel, that novel being Accepting the Lance. This presents some small amount of difficulty, which will be discussed in. . .
. . .1a Naturally, those who have not yet read Accepting the Lance are Strongly Cautioned, but! those who have read Accepting the Lance are also Strongly Cautioned: Despite its length (approximately 44,000 words) the material to be posted is a SPLINTER; it is NOT CANON
Read MoreRegarding AlbaCon 2020
This just in from Chuck Rothman, speaking for Albacon:
Due to the ongoing issues with Covid-19 health and safety, the Albacon Committee has decided to postpone the convention until Fall of 2021. Sharon Lee and Steve Miller have agreed to attend as Guests of Honor. Memberships will roll over, but, given the situation, we will make an exception to our usual policy and give refunds on request.
Read MoreT-shirts have shipped …
This is YOUR reminder
This is your reminder that Offworld Designs is taking preorders for the I Dare tshirt in pink and black, unisex and ladies styles. They are also having a sale on Dragon in Exile merch, including coffee mugs. And YOU can find it all at this link.
Special Bonus Reminder: If you want to own one of the I Dare tshirts, you must preorder by May 10 — that’s this coming Sunday, in the United States, it is Mother’s Day.
Here ends your reminder.
Read More1a Tshirts! There is a deadline involved in preordering the new run of Liaden tshirts, and that deadline is! Mother’s Day, May 10. Your order must be in by that date. Shirts ship on a first-ordered, first shipped basis, and will start shipping the week of May 11.
1b If you don’t favor pink, take a look at the shirts on offer lower on the page at the link below, which are not only Not Pink, but are on sale. Also? There are coffee mugs.
1c Here’s the link to the Liaden Page at Offworld Designs
2a The ebook edition of Splinter Universe Presents! has now been distributed to all of the Usual Suspects. Here’s the link to Baen. Here’s a universal link to Apple, BN, Kobo, 24 Symbols, and Angus and Robertson. Here’s the link to the Kindle edition.
Read MoreTshirt Update
Tshirt Commentary.
I just got off the phone with Barb at Offworld Designs. She says that, so far, you guys have ordered dern near 150 tshirts, and she wants to thank you all, very much, for your enthusiasm, and your support.
As some of you may know, Offworld Designs does a bunch of their business through science fiction conventions, which, like everything else, have been cancelled for these months, so the work is very welcome.
Keep up the good work, y’all. And thank you.
Here is the tshirt link, for those who might need it.
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