Lee and Miller Honors and Awards


2025:  The Robert A. Heinlein Award.  The award is bestowed for outstanding published works in science fiction and technical writings that inspire the human exploration of space. The award will be formally presented during opening ceremonies on Friday, May 23, 2025 at 8:00 PM for Balticon 59, the 59th Maryland Regional Science Fiction Convention.  More information about the Robert A. Heinlein Award, may be found here

2017: Reader’s Choice Award, Best Military and Adventure SF
“Wise Child,” by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller was chosen from among fifteen stories collected in third annual Year’s Best Military and Adventure SF, edited by David Afsharirad, published by Baen Books. The winner was announced at the Baen Traveling Roadshow at DragonCon 2017, with Baen Executive Editor Jim Minz accepting for Lee and Miller.

2014: Maine Literary Awards, Finalist
Necessity’s Child by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller was one of three finalists in the Maine Literary Awards in Speculative Fiction, presented by the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance at the annual awards ceremony in Portland’s Glickman Family Library.


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2012: The Edward E. Smith Memorial Award for Imaginative Fiction (the Skylark). Presented by the New England Science Fiction Association to some person, who, in the opinion of the membership, has contributed significantly to science fiction, both through work in the field and by exemplifying the personal qualities which made the late “Doc” Smith well-loved by those who knew him. Given since 1966, previous recipients include Sir Terry Pratchett, George R.R. Martin, Anne McCaffrey, Jane Yolen, and Isaac Asimov. A complete list of Skylark recipients is available here

2011: The Hal Clement Award for Best Young Adult Science Fiction, Finalist. Presented by the Golden Duck Awards for Excellence in Children’s Science Fiction Literature, to Fledgling by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. A complete list of winners may be found here

2006: The Nubella Award. Presented at COSine 3. For a history of this rare and sought-after award, please go here.

2005: The Hal Clement Award for Best Young Adult Science Fiction, Winner. Presented by the Golden Duck Awards for Excellence in Children’s Science Fiction Literature, to Balance of Trade by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. A complete list of winners may be found here

2002: The Prism Award, Futuristic. Presented by the Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal Chapter of the Romance Writers of America for the best novel of Futuristic Romance of the year. Awarded to Scout’s Progress by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Local Custom by Lee and Miller was named the Number 2 Futuristic Romance of the same year.

2002: RomanticTimes Book Club Reviewers Choice Award for Best Science Fiction Novel of 2002. Awarded by the Romantic Times Book Club reviewers to Scout’s Progress by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. A complete list of 2002 finalists and winners is available here


BaltiCon 59, Baltimore MD, May May 23-26

HELIOsphere 2023, Piscataway, NJ, April 28-30

AlbaCon 2021, (Virtual)

MidSouthCon 36, Memphis TN

August: ConFluence 2017, Pittsburgh, PA
March: MarsCon: Dragons in Space, Minneapolis, MN

May: BaltiCon 50, Baltimore, MD
April 29-May1: RavenCon 2016, Williamsburg, VA

November: Philcon, Cherry Hill, NJ

May: ConQuesT 43, Kansas City, MO
January: ChattaCon 37, Chattanooga, TN

September: The Great New England Steampunk Exhibition, Fitchburg, MA
June: PortConME, Portland ME

June: DucKon 19, Naperville, IL
May: Oasis 23, Orlando, FL

April: StellarCon 33, Highpoint, NC

April: Penguicon 4.0, Livonia, MI
January: COSine, Colorado Springs, CO

June: PortConME, Portland, ME
May: CONDuit 14: Reloaded, Salt Lake City, UT
April: Trinocon, Durham, NC

May: BaltiCon 37
February: MarsCon 2003: No One Here is Exactly What He Appears, Minneapolis, MN
February: SheVaCon 13, Roanoke, VA

October: AlbaCon 2002, Albany, NY

February: SheVaCon 8, Roanoke, VA

November: SiliCon 3.0, Silicon Valley, CA

AND. . .

Over the years many Lee and Miller books have appeared on bestseller lists at a variety of venues including multiple bookstore lists in the US and overseas, Locus, the Wall Street Journal, and elsewhere.

updated March 18 2025 SLee