Now that there’s new Liaden Universe® gear, not to mention two! new! books! out loose in the world causing who knows what havoc and consternation, Steve and I said, What the heck; let’s have a contest.
The complete rules may be found HERE.
Edited to add…
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December 31, 2017 update:
We *did* have a contest; which is long over. Thanks to all the participants! We’ll be consolidating the entries here as time permits.
Posted in order received, most recent on top of each week’s posting.
Here were the Rules here.
Do It Like a Delm, Week 8/17/2015
This late-breaking not-an-entry from Maggie Leber will be of interest to those who take their piloting seriously. Maggie says, “OK, this is just for fun because it’s not according to the rules, which among other things call for a picture, not a video. But I had fun putting it together today.”

Peggy Kemp – just off the Trans-Canada Highway . I’m traveling through the Rocky Mountains near Golden, British Columbia, Canada –
accompanied by “Dragon in Exile” and an entire Library of Liaden Universe books.

Harriet Culver and her Sasquan Membership Badge after the Making Light dinner at Saranac, 8/20/2015.

Dale & Gayle Stroble: Photo of us at “The Kiss” statue in San Diego, CA next to the USS Midway museum.

Damiano Cassese: On the Sambuca mountain pass, in a cycling tour from Ravenna to La spezia. Should we call the bike Bechimo ?
Cycling like a delm!

Eva Norman: This photo of me in my OLD denim shirt with the dragon and tree emblem was taken outside Stockholms Maritime museum this sunday.
The picture is taken during a free consert of classical music held by Swedens Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
It was the 40th year this free concert has been held. 14.000 people was present.
Do It Like a Delm, Week of 8/24/2015
Want a Liaden shirt? Follow this link.

Brian Davis: Relaxing like a Delm with Centurian Tank “Ironsides” while showing the Tree and Dragon. It’s all part of Plan B.

Anne Young: New t-shirt with a cottonwood in Seward, Alaska.
Historical photos show this tree in place by 1941. May have been there at city founding in 1903.

Abigail Miller: I and my nephew check on my beehives (you can’t see the hive behind us because selfie aim difficulties)

Harriet Culver: Walking back from the Friends of Liad breakfast at Sante on Sunday morning. And I can’t tell you how many folk at Sasquan that day commented on the “Plan B is now in effect” slogan on the tee back. (Not sure they recognized the book tho’.)

Cynthia Dix Porter at Sasquan: I wish I was waiting in line for Lee & Miller. GRRM will have to do instead.

Eva Norman: Standing at the side a Viking re-enactment ship from 1912. I´m Doing it like a Delm in Stockholm, Sweden.
Want a Liaden shirt? Follow this link.

Arlynne Horne sent this from Spokane “…it was announced that this was the first Worldcon in a declared disaster area..”

Melita Kennedy: I am committing a grievous sin against a book I love. The book is Ingathering by Zenna Henderson. The sin? I’m cutting it up.
All in a good cause though, a friend’s going to OCR it, I’ll copy-edit it for scannos, and the friend will make it into an ebook for my personal use.
Do It Like A Delm, Week of 9/5/2015
Want a Liaden shirt? Follow this link.

Margaret Troup: during my bi-monthly platelet donation at the Red Cross Donor Center in Portland.
I must tell you: Though I often become bored, restless, and uncomfortable after a while “on the needle,” Dragon In Exile made this donation a breeze! A third reading brought out even more nuance and connectivity.

Edwige Jenei: This photo was taken at the medieval festival at Herstmonceux Castle in East sussex, UK. It’s a great way to spend the last weekend of august.

Dale Stroble: I’m at the Seaport Village tourist trap looking toward the Coronado Bay Bridge in San Diego, CA.
Not terribly exciting but there was no camera back in 1975 when I and several co-workers walked on the catwalk underneath the bridge from the Coronado side back to San Diego. That was exciting! The catwalk was expanded metal and only had a simple pipe railing on each side.

Catherine Taylor: scouting art treasures for the family trading enterprise at Casa Natale di Michelangelo Bunerotti
Do It Like A Delm, Week of 9/14/2015
Want a Liaden shirt? Follow this link.

Eva Norman: I´m doing it like a Delm at World Heretage Site: Visby Town on the Island of Gotland, Sweden. Photo talken from the Eastern Moat.

Bridget Gehrling: Frank and I celebrated my 53rd birthday by visiting the Brand! New! Sea Shell Carousel at Battery Park in NY.

Joy Wandrey: We are waiting at a starbucks for our cruise boarding time to get here, so i’m working on a sock fit for a delmae!

Alan Brown: My wife was invited to go on a knitting cruise on Narragansett Bay. But while she loves yarn and knitting, crowds and boats can make her nervous. So she brought me along for moral support. But what’s a guy to do on a knitting cruise when he doesn’t knit? Why, read his favorite yarns, of course! Which explains the attached picture.
Do It Like A Delm, Week of 9/21/2015
Want a Liaden shirt? Follow this link.

Deborah Fishburn: Just to let you know, sometimes even Exiled dragons will communicate with their brethren.
In this case, the white dragon overlooks the cargoes in the hold of the Cutty Sark, a ship which used to do the tea run (from Shanghai), and then moved on to transporting wool (from Australia to the UK).

Elaine Walker:
This is me between labs in my denim Liaden Universe shirt investigating the sublimation of dry ice.

Susan Hrizuk: At Biltmore Estate, America’s castle, in Asheville, North Carolina, the largest privately owned house in the United States.

Bridget Gehrling: So here I am, on the Forrest Park Carousel, newly restored in Queens, NY, with the Liaden book I am currently re-reading and wearing my new favorite shirt.

Susan Buttram: Flying without a ship at IFly Austin. Unfortunately I couldn’t take my tablet into the vertical wind tunnel so the picture was taken in front of their emblem.

Peggy Kemp: At a metal detecting rally in Sundre Alberta (near the Rocky Mountains).
I am wearing my Liad T-shirt – and did not forget my kindle, which contains the Liad universe (well … almost).
I came home from the event with silver coins from 3 British Monarch eras (George V, George VI and Elizabeth II), a few foreign coins, and won a Baroque pearl key-chain.
Leon Kemp (husband, and also a Liad fan) did the photography for the event (his hobby)

Janelle Hilton: Since January of this year I have been a volunteer aboard the charity hospital ship the Africa Mercy, where I teach the children of the all-volunteer long-term crew in our on-board Pre-K – Grade 12 Academy. Africa Mercy is currently in Tamatave, Madagascar, where we are serving our host country by providing free surgeries and building the local medical capacity, among other projects. I will be with the ship through May of 2017, so it’s home for me! Here I am standing on the top deck (Deck 8), by the smoke stack. I have to say, eBooks are an amazing invention which help a world-traveler like me to have my favorite “friends” with me wherever I go! (Plus now you can legitimately claim to have readership in Africa!)
Do It Like A Delm, Week of 9/28/2015
This was the final week of the Do It Like A Delm Challenge. Pulled out all the stops and showed the world your Inner Delm!
Posted in order received, most recent on top.
Want a Liaden shirt? Follow this link.

Duren Thompson: This is our cast aluminum tooth fairy decked out for Halloween. She greets all who enter our clan house with a ready smile and coin, as well as a pair of pliers behind her back. (A unique original sculpture by James Deitrich).
The *really interesting* thing I am doing is finally taking 5 mins for myself and entering the Doing it like a Delm contest. (It’s been a pretty rough/hectic couple of months.). Better last minute than not at all, however

Robert McKnight: Not great, old books, all new books, old shirt partially blocked. (Poor camera work) but I have a dragon.

Elizabeth Wichman: I had to wait to take this photo until I was at the ancestral homestead, so I could climb the tree I spent my childhood climbing, like Daav and Er Thom. Luckily, I arrived last night, just in time for the end of the contest!
I coulda climbed higher, but I wanted the logo to not get lost among the leaves

Joe AuBuchon: Doing it Like a Delm, Southern California Style.
Exciting? Of course, exciting–reading a new Liaden book. On a comfortable couch, with Guns and Roses on in the background, a smoke in my right hand (well, a Siamese named Smoke) and a glass of the red to hand on my left.

Abigail Miller: I try to do a delm’s duty and provide accomodations for all clan members. This year I attempted to attract a bluebird to be Seen, but it was not to be. A wren moved in, but either she moved on elsewhere to raise a family, or succumbed to the many dangers menacing a Very Small Bird.
Thanks for pictures and the memories!