Two more books under contract and more news

Baen Books has just extended an offer for two more Liaden books from the authors — those contracts are in…


Book Tour in support of Dragon in Exile, updated

In June, Baen and Simon and Schuster will be sending Sharon and Steve on a New England book tour, in…


Been waiting for the Dragon in Exile eArc?

Your wait is over. Download direct from Baen Books in the format of your choice, here. Also, here's a link…


Signed Copies of Dragon in Exile

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore in Minneapolis will be your source for signed copies of Dragon in Exile.  Ordering will…


Lee and Miller Hugo Eligible Works 2014

The nice folks at SasQuan have just reminded me that Award Season has opened and that it's time for those…


Coming this summer — a book, and a book tour

In June, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller are going on an East Coast book tour this summer in  support of Dragon…


Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 106

LEE AND MILLER REGRET Sharon and Steve are very sorry to have to cancel out of Boskone and SasQuan.  The…


Dragon in Exile complete wrap-around cover art


Carousel Seas eBook and Audio News!

The Kindle edition of Carousel Seas is now available for download from Amazon. Here's your link. Those who prefer to…


Lee and Miller’s PhilCon Principal Speaker Speech, in its entirety

Despite our best efforts, and despite that we practiced beforehand, to be sure that we wouldn't run over our time…
