Two more books under contract and more news

Baen Books has just extended an offer for two more Liaden books from the authors — those contracts are in the works and should result in new books being turned to Baen in 2018 and 2019. Alas, we’re not sure of the exact publication dates as yet. Those contracts are for books that will not be in the “Five Book Dash” we’re currently in the midst of — we’re (temporarily, at least) calling them the “mask books” since we can’t give you titles and we’re masking what they’ll be about.

In the meantime, readers and fans have been asking for ways to show extra support for our work. In the “old days” of the interwebz several Lee & Miller sites had tip jars … and now, given the frequency of the request, Lee & Miller have joined Patreon, where you can offer a dollar or two — or whatever your limit is — each month to help the authors keep things even between royalty periods. Here’s the Lee & Miller Patreon page!



View Comments (2)

  • I'm confused! I know I have already read "Dragon in Exile" a while ago.
    The publication date is listed as June 2015.

    I love this series and always look forward to new books.

    Thank you.

    • Pat --
      did you get an ebook or eArc? The publisher released the eArc sometime back. There were a few fixes along the way, but nothing that fully changed the story.


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