Dragon in Exile loose upon the world, a bestseller

Supported by a well attended East Coast book tour by the authors, Dragon in Exile, the 18th Liaden Universe® novel, was published in hardcover and audio book editions June 2, 2015, and is now available in those formats as well in multiple ebook formats.

After less than a week on sale, Neilsen Bookscan rankings showed Dragon in Exile as the #3 hardback science fiction book during release week, and over-all the #9 SF book in US markets. The mass market edition of Dragon in Exile is set for publication next June, while the next Sharon Lee & Steve Miller release to hit the shelves will be Liaden Universe® Constellation Number Three, due in stores August 4, 2015.

Alliance of Equals, the sequel to Dragon in Exile and the next scheduled Liaden novel, is also slated for publication in the summer of 2016, most likely in July.


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Liaden Universe® is a registered trademark of Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

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