Lee and Miller handy clickable catalog of books

You can find Lee and Miller books at bookstores of all kinds, all around the world.  If you have a favorite bookstore, we encourage you to shop there and show them your support.  The links below are provided for the convenience of those who may not have a favorite bookstore, or who simply find shopping online to be more convenient than going out into the world.  We, the authors, earn the exact same royalty on each book sale, from legitimate sources.  We don’t, naturally, receive any royalties from books downloaded from pirate sites, even the ones that charge you money.

All that said, the lists below concern themselves with five vendors, and one catalog:  Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore in Minneapolis, which ships worldwide and has supported the Lee-and-Miller writing career even when we didn’t have one; Baen EBooks, the ebook arm of our publisher; Barnes and Noble; Amazon; Audible; and Pinbeam Books.

What you need to know about these vendors is this:


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1.  Uncle Hugo’s sells paper books only

2.  Obviously, Baen EBooks sells ebooks only, but!  It sells ebooks that are DRM-free (that means you can read them in the reader of your choice, on multiple devices, and lend them to a friend, if you’d like), and it sells ebooks in every format known to man:  epub (Nook); mobi (Kindle); Palm, Stanza, Sony LRF, Rocketbook, RTF, MS Reader, HTML and/or you may read online — and probably some that we’re forgetting.

3.  Audible has published audiobooks of all the Liaden Universe® novels to date as well as The Tomorrow Log, and also Carousel Tides, Carousel Sun, and Carousel Seas, by Sharon Lee.

4.  Pinbeam Books is us — Steve Miller and Sharon Lee.  It’s a catalog of all our self-published ebooks, with buy links to Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Smashwords.

Everybody confused now?  Great, here we go!

Where to Buy Books by Lee and Miller

First, an easy one.  Here’s your link to the Uncle Hugo’s catalog page of all Lee-and-Miller paper books in stock.  Did we mention that some of those in-stock books are signed by the authors?

Another easy one.  Here’s your link to the Baen EBooks Lee and Miller catalog.  And!  Here’s your link to the Baen EBooks Sharon Lee catalog.

Third easy one.  Here’s your link to the Audible Liaden Universe® catalog.  And!
Here’s your link to the Audible page for Necessity’s Child, which is a Liaden Universe® novel, despite having no place on the catalog page.  And!
Here’s your link to The Tomorrow Log.  And!
Here’s your link to Carousel Tides. . .
. . .your link to Carousel Sun. . .
. . .aaaand your link to Carousel Seas

Lee and Miller books are also available at Kobo, iBooks, and other fine emporiums.

Liaden Universe® Novels (space opera)
For a discussion of the “proper” reading order of the Liaden Universe® novels,
please see this page.

Omnibus editions:
These four volumes include the entire Liaden Universe® backlist: 10 books for the price of four — such a deal.

The Dragon Variation, Baen, June 2010 (includes three full-length novels: Local Custom, Scout’s Progress, Conflict of Honors)
Paper Books:  | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:           | BN |      |Amazon|

The Agent Gambit, Baen, January 2011 (includes two full-length novels: Agent of Change, Carpe Diem)
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Korval’s Game, Baen, May 2011 (includes two full length novels: Plan B, I Dare)
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

The Crystal Variation, Baen, September 2011 (includes three full length novels: Crystal Soldier, Crystal Dragon, Balance of Trade)
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|


Liaden novels featuring Theo Waitley:

Fledgling, Baen, September 2009
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Saltation, Baen, April 2010
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Ghost Ship, Baen, August 2011
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Dragon Ship, Baen, September 2012
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

The Gathering Edge, Baen, May 2017
Paper Books:  | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:           | BN |      |Amazon|


Other Liaden novels:

Mouse & Dragon (sequel to Scout’s Progress), Baen, June 2010
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Necessity’s Child, Baen, February 2013
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Trade Secret (sequel to Balance of Trade), Baen, November 2013
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Dragon in Exile (sequel to Dragon Ship, and I Dare),  Baen, June 2015
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Alliance of Equals (sequel to Dragon in Exile), Baen, May 2016
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Neogenesis (sequel to Dragon in Exile, Alliance of Equals, The Gathering Edge), Baen, January 2018
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Accepting the Lance (sequel to Neogenesis), Baen, December 2019
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Trader’s Leap (sequel to Accepting the Lance), Baen, December 2020
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|


Short story collections:
(for information on which short stories appear in what chapbook, former collection, &c, click this link)

A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume I
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume II
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume III
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume IV
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|


The Fey Duology (dark fantasy)

Duainfey, Baen, September 2008
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Longeye, Baen, April 2009
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|


Other Space Opera

The Tomorrow Log, Embiid, Meisha Merlin, February 2003
Out of print in print
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Sword of Orion,  Phobos Books, October 2005
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
No ebook edition of this work was published


Sharon Lee’s Maine Novels

Barnburner, SRM Publisher, 2002.
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Gunshy, SRM Publisher, 2006.
Ebooks: | BN |      |Amazon|

Carousel Tides, Baen, October 2010
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Carousel Sun, Baen, February 2014
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

Carousel Seas, Baen, January 2015
Paper Books: | BN |      |Amazon|
Ebooks:          | BN |      |Amazon|

updated February 9, 2020  slee

View Comments (41)

  • When will he next book after Dragon Ship be coming out ? And pls sign me back up for your infodump or other ongoing info on your books & activities.


    • The next "book" after Dragon Ship are the five books currently under contract. If you mean, "When is the next Theo-centric book" -- it's not the book we're working on now; this one's a Shan-and-Surebleak book -- and that's about all I know.

      We haven't actually sent out an infodump in a while, so you may still be on the list. You can sign yourself up here: http://www.fireopal.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/liadenuniversenews

      Hope that helps.

  • Shan and Surebleak is the next best thing to Theo, please hurry !!!!
    And Thanks for all the Liaden books !!!!

  • Dear Sharon Lee:
    Sword of Orion is labeled as being Book 1 of a series. When do you think you will be putting out book 2? Or is it permanently on hold?
    Thank you,.

    • Sword of Orion was a work for hire. That means that all rights belong to the publisher. . .who has since gone out of business. So I'm thinking -- permanently on hold.

      • Okay, thank you for letting me know. I won't start the series since I now know it's a dead end.

  • Delighted to hear of the " Shan and Surebleak" coming book. I really enjoyed "Necessities Child" and the insight into well loved, long known characters and meeting not only new characters but whole new societies.
    Please, as eager as I am to get my hands of your books, do not push yourselves any harder that work requires you to do so. I like to think you both enjoy your writing as much as we enjoy the reading

  • Having just recently discovered your books, (through Baen's Free Library, naturally) I wish to thank you for the clarity and comprehensiveness of this list. It was very useful. Read: now I know the order I want to buy them in :D

  • Did I miss it, or did you only mention Balance of Trade in passing without putting it on any specific list. I consider this and Necessity's Child to be really good YA books and often recommend them. I haven't yet read Trade Secret or Sword of Orion.

  • Well. . .It's right there in The Crystal Variation, along with Crystal Soldier and Crystal Dragon. The above is not a list of lists; it's a list of the format in which the books are available right now. Balance of Trade has been collected into an omnibus edition, so. . .

    Thank you for reading.

  • I love Korval / Liaden universe, it's many characters, and connections to other characters. Have found your continuity between generations, between eras, and just in the mini-series(multiple), is exceptional. Your beta-readers must read previous books to prep for the new one, and read EVERY SINGLE WORD! Because I haven't found any big ugly-spots! Joy to read these!

  • I have been reading your Liad series since the beginning when it was hard to find them, before Amazon, and e-readers(still don't have). I have probably reread every book 4-5 times. This world that you have created is so wonderful and addictive. These characters seem so real. Keep up the good work and we'll all keep reading. I love all the cats in them as I currently have a cat in front of my keyboard as I type this, purring, and not letting me move him out of the way - it's his house and desk, after all.

  • Will there be a sequel to The Tomorrow Log? Gem ser'Edreth went through too much adversity to just die on the vine.