Consumers of audiobooks, your attention, please!

Fair Trade, by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, the 24th novel set in their original Liaden Universe® published as hardcover…


HELIOsphere registration open!

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be writer guests of honor at HELIOsphere, joining artist guest of honor David B.…


From Every Storm paperback available

The paper edition of FROM EVERY STORM: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® #35, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is…


Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 130

Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 130 News from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller's Liaden Universe® and Beyond! In This Issue: Upcoming…


Yule Chapbook Update

From Every Storm: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 35, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller has been submitted to…


Salvage Right Hardcover available for pre-order

Salvage Right by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the 25th novel in the Liaden Universe®, is available for preorder from…


Eye Candy

This just in -- gorgeous Salvage Right cover art by David Mattingly.    


Fair Trade Audiobook News!

In keeping with our promise to let y'all know when there was motion on the audiobook edition of Fair Trade,…


WorldCon! Book Signing!

On Thursday -- that's tomorrow -- Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will have their first panels as Virtual ChiCon attendees.…


Lee and Miller Signing Books Saturday!

Saturday, August 27, from 1-3 pm, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be signing books and talking trash at Sherman's…
