This Just In: Eye Candy

David Mattingly has kindly sent us the finished art for the cover of The Gathering Edge, coming to a bookstore…


Recent Publishing News

Liaden Universe® novelette "Wise Child" by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller available to read for free at Baen.com.  Here's your…


Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 113

. . .or possibly 114; there seems to have been some slippage, somewhere. New Liaden Novelette "Wise Child," a Liaden…


Alliance of Equals Northern Kingdom Book Tour

Steve and Sharon will be visiting a few bookstores to talk about Alliance of Equals.  If you're in the area,…


Alliance of Equals eARC

The electronic advance reading copy (aka, the one with the (most) mistakes in it) of Alliance of Equals, by Sharon…


Liaden Universe® InfoDumpling

A Liaden Universe® InfoDumpling is a small InfoDump, sent out sporadically, when there are only a few, hot, news items…


Lee and Miller Boskone Schedule

As previously advertised, Steve and I will be at Boskone (February 19-21, 2016) in Boston, MA for New England's longest…


Since y’all have been so good — a Yule present. . .

. . .from Sharon and Steve, and from Toni Weisskopf at Baen, who agreed that this had to be done.…


Sneak Peek Eye Candy: Alliance of Equals

Here we have something rare and precious -- a sneak peek of the comp of the cover for Alliance of…


Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 111

Publication Date for Alliance of Equals The Question that Ate October, here at our email boxes and around the web,…
