First Chapter Friday: Local Custom

Local Custom and Scout's Progress came out at the same time, in the same book -- a book with yet…


First Chapter Friday: Balance of Trade

The end of the last century was a pretty good time for the Lee & Miller writing team. We had…


First Chapter Friday: Scout’s Progress

So, cast your mind back -- 'way back to the last decade of the 20th century, by which I mean…


First Chapter Friday: Crystal Soldier

Full disclosure:  Crystal Soldier is not the first book in the Liaden Universe®, mostly because, err, it takes place in…


First Chapter Friday: Agent of Change

It's Friday again, and you know what that means, right?  Right!  Time for another free first chapter to whet your…


First Chapter Friday: Fledgling

So, there's a new thing we're taking part in, called First Chapter Friday, in which authors post the first chapter…


Ask US Anything!

Today, from 12 noon until 2 pm EDT, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller (that's us!) will be answering all your…


New Liaden Story on Baen.com

"Cutting Corners," by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is now up and ready for you -- yes, you! -- to…


Join us for a Pre-Release Party on May 1!

Asyouknowbob, The Gathering Edge, twentieth novel in the Liaden Universe®, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, owner-operators, will be released in…


Cover art for Neogenesis

Neogenesis, the twenty-first novel in the Liaden Universe®, created Some Time Back by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, will be…
