The Wrong Lance, Chapter Three live!

Chapter Three of The Wrong Lance is now available for you -- yes, you! -- to read. Here's your link


The Wrong Lance Chapter Two now live

Here's your link


Chapter One Live

Chapter One of The Wrong Lance should now be live on Splinter Universe. Here's your link. This is a pre-scheduled…


Breaking News

Liaden Universe(R) InfoDumpling Breaking News! ALBACON 2020 CANCELLED This just in from Chuck Rothman, speaking for Albacon: Due to the…


New Serial Project

Remember when I said, Oh, back in April, that I was tidying up Splinter Universe in preparation for the posting…


Regarding AlbaCon 2020

This just in from Chuck Rothman, speaking for Albacon: Due to the ongoing issues with Covid-19 health and safety, the…


T-shirts have shipped …

The I Dare t-shirts are on the move -- here's Barb at Offworld Designs  in the midst of your support…


This is YOUR reminder

This is your reminder that Offworld Designs is taking preorders for the I Dare tshirt in pink and black, unisex…


If it’s Saturday it must be Shameless Self-Promotion

1a  Tshirts!  There is a deadline involved in preordering the new run of Liaden tshirts, and that deadline is!  Mother's…


Tshirt Update

Tshirt Commentary. I just got off the phone with Barb at Offworld Designs. She says that, so far, you guys…
