Liaden Universe® Dance Card, November and December 2020
Confused by all the extra busyness surrounding the Liaden Universe® and Things Lee and Miller lately? Yeah, us too. What…
Confused by all the extra busyness surrounding the Liaden Universe® and Things Lee and Miller lately? Yeah, us too. What…
All Liaden Universe® titles published by Baen Books will be on sale from your favorite ebook vendor from November 3…
This is your Friendly Reminder that you may pre-order signed (but not personalized) copies of Trader's Leap, the twenty-third volume…
1 The Wrong Lance, Splinter Universe Presents, Volume 2 has been compiled into an ebook and is available for preorder…
Uncle Hugo's is ready to accept your pre-orders for signed (but not personalized*) copies of Trader's Leap. Here's your link…
The Wrong Lance by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is available for pre-order in the Ithing store, Kindle, Kobo and…
This space is provided as a service to the eARC-reading community. If you have read the eARC of Trader's Leap…
For those who hunt the eArc, Trader's Leap is up and ready for download. Here's your link.
Attention to all the ships at sea! Sunday you can join us -- Sharon Lee and Steve Miller -- when…
A quick overview of the author's side of the process, and that wraps up this sweet halcyon time together. I…