FAIR TRADE eARC now available for download!

All righty, then!   The eARC of Fair Trade can now be purchased at this link.   IF you purchase…


FAIR TRADE signed preorders now open

For those interested in signed editions, the link to preorder signed (but NOT personalized) copies of Fair Trade is now…


Steve Miller’s Boskone 59 Schedule

Steve Miller will be a virtual panelist at Boskone 59, February 18-20.  Boskone 59 is a Hybrid Convention this year.…


Obligatory Hugo Eligibility Post

Lee and Miller published a couple things in 2021 which we would like you to bear in mind while nominating. …


PSA: Who’s Writing Which for When?

Lee and Miller are under contract to Baen Books for three Liaden Universe® novels after Fair Trade, which will be…


From Every Storm a Rainbow story link

"From Every Storm a Rainbow," Lee and Miller's holiday story and gift to you, our readers, has been posted to…


BREAD ALONE publication day!

BREAD ALONE:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34 dropped sometime around midnight. This means that those who preordered should…


BREAD ALONE availability

The ebook edition of BREAD ALONE: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is…


Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 128

Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 128 News from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller's Liaden Universe® and beyond! November 9 2021 PUBLISHING…


Watch the Skies!

This should be available in time for the US "Holiday Season." Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34 contains collects…
