Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 136

Liaden Universe® InfoDump #136 IN THIS ISSUE: 1 Diviner's Bow Preorders: Instructions from the Uncle 2 Diviner's Bow eARC Available…


New Story at Splinter Universe

"Core Values," regarding the case of Geritsi slentAlin, who appears in Liaden Universe® novels, Trader's Leap, Ribbon Dance, and Diviner's…


SPOILER SPACE: Diviner’s Bow Discussion

As has been the custom many years standing, herewith is a place where you — and you, and yes, you,…


Diviner’s Bow eARC now available from Baen

Here's the link


27th Liaden Universe® novel submitted

For those who pay attention to such things, Diviner's Bow has been turned in to Baen, slightly ahead of the…


Ur Sid arrives at Cushing Memorial Library & Archives

Frequent auditors of this blog will recall that Liaden Universe® Ambassador Plenipotentiary Ur Sid had recently accepted a new role…


Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 136

IN THIS ISSUE: 1 Ur Sid to join Lee and Miller Archive at Texas A&M 2 Plan B anniversary edition…


Sharon Lee Announces: Ur Sid Appointed Liaden Universe® Ambassador to Texas

First, a history lesson. In 1999, Meisha Merlin published Plan B, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, effectively bringing the…


Sharon Lee’s Albacon 2024 Schedule

Albacon 2024 is being held at the Marriott Courtyard, Clifton Park, NY, September 13, 14, 15.  GOHs are Elizabeth Bear,…


BSFS Renames Poetry Contest for Steve Miller

Before Steve was a globally acclaimed science fiction writer, he traveled in poetry, which was a thing you could actually…
